
Reputation: 99

Laravel Passport Password Grant Tokens: own mobile app

so my mobile app would be the client, i generated a client_id and a client_secret for it.

users who uses the mobile app have to login using their username/password.

Where should i store the client_id and client_secret? is it ok to expose them and simply place them hardcoded in the app?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 4876

Answers (1)

Shuja Ahmed
Shuja Ahmed

Reputation: 752

It is definitely not the secure way of hardcoding them and just placing them in an app.

Actually its not that straight forward. I assume you created the client from artisan or from the pre-built Vue components. In either case there is more that you have to do in order so safely consume the oauth2 api without exposing any potential security vulnerabilities in your app.

Assuming your mobile users would register from the mobile, you would need to create user and oAuth2 client from your mobile API that you will expose for your clients( mobile apps ) to consume. For this you have to do the following:

  1. After installing laravel passport perform the following artisan command

    php artisan migrate

This will create the necessary tables to store oauth clients, their tokens and other related important information at db level. After this you would need to change client_id data type to VARCHAR(255) so as to store username as client_id instead of storing numeric client_ids.

  1. Now go to your models and create a model for oauth_clients table so that you can create client pragmatically from the code while creating users.

    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    class oAuthClient extends Model
    protected $table = 'oauth_clients';

This will create a model class for you through which you can store oauth clients in the db while registering them in your app.

  1. Route::post('/register-user', function () {
    $email= \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::get('email');
    $user = new \App\User(array(
    'name' =>\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::get('name'),
    'email' => \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::get('email'),
    'password' => bcrypt(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::get('password')),
    $oauth_client=new \App\oAuthClient();
    $oauth_client->secret=base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',$password, 'secret', true));
    return [
    'message' => 'user successfully created.'

This will generate an entry in user table and oauth_clients table which will be used by laravel passport to generate respective access_tokens for the user.In the above code snippet you have to note that to generate the oauth_client secret you have to use some strong formula of encryption that you feel comfortable using it with your application. Also use the same technique to generate the secret key on your mobile app for the respective client/user.

  1. Now you can use the standard POST API offered by laravel passport to request access token through password grant using "oauth/token" using the following parameters:

    grant_type : 'password'
    client_id  : '<email with which the user is registered>'
    client_secret : '<generate the client secret from the mobile app>'
    username : '<email with which the user is registered>'
    password : '<password entered by the user>'
    scope : '<leave empty as default>'

5.The above will give you a response, if everything is correct, similar to :

      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 3155673600,
      "access_token":                 "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjMwZmM0MDk1NWY5YjUwNDViOTUzNDlmZjc2M2ExNDUxOTAxZjc5YTA5YjE4OWM1MjEzOTJlZmNiMDgwOWQzMzQwM2ExZWI4ZmMyODQ1MTE3In0.eyJhdWQiOiJzaHVqYWhtQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImp0aSI6IjMwZmM0MDk1NWY5YjUwNDViOTUzNDlmZjc2M2ExNDUxOTAxZjc5YTA5YjE4OWM1MjEzOTJlZmNiMDgwOWQzMzQwM2ExZWI4ZmMyODQ1MTE3IiwiaWF0IjoxNDc4MTQ1NjMyLCJuYmYiOjE0NzgxNDU2MzIsImV4cCI6NDYzMzgxOTIzMiwic3ViIjoiMSIsInNjb3BlcyI6W119.dj3g9b2AdPCK-im5uab-01SP71S7AR96R0FQTKKoaZV7M5ID1pSXDlmZw96o5Bd_Xsy0nUqFsPNRQsLvYaOuHZsP8v9mOVirBXLIBvPcBc6lDRdNXvRidNqeh4JHhJu9a5VzNlJPm3joBYSco4wYzNHs2BPSxXuuD3o63nKRHhuUHB-HwjVxj2GDwzEYXdZmf2ZXOGRJ99DlWGDvWx8xQgMQtd1E9Xk_Rs6Iu8tycjBpKBaC24AKxMI6T8DpelnFmUbMcz-pRsgCWCF_hxv6FpXav3jr1CLhhT58_udBvXjQAXEbtHeB7W_oaMcaqezHdAeOWDcnqREZHsnXHtKt0JpymcTWBkS2cg7sJzy6P9mOGgQ8B4gb8wt44_kHTeWnokk4yPFRZojkHLVZb8YL6hZxLlzgV1jCHUxXoHNe1VKlHArdlV8LAts9pqARZkyBRfwQ8oiTL-2m16FQ_qGg-9vI0Suv7d6_W126afI3LxqDBi8AyqpQzZX1FWmuJLV0QiNM0nzTyokzz7w1ilJP2PxIeUzMRlVaJyA395zq2HjbFEenCkd7bAmTGrgEkyWM6XEq1P7qIC_Ne_pLNAV6DLXUpg9bUWEHhHPXIDYKHS-c3N9fPDt8UVvGI8n0rPMieTN92NsYZ_6OqLNpcm6TrhMNZ9eg5EC0IPySrrv62jE",
      "refresh_token": "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"

You can use these token safely from your client apps ( mobile apps ). Hope it helps!.

Upvotes: 8

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