Reputation: 23
I just created a simulation for the Monty Hall problem, but my result (even with 10,000,000 tests) is strange. For strategy 1 (keep) the hits are in 1/3, and strategy 2 (switch) in 44,44%. Is there a mistake in the code?
Thanks everybody!
var hits1 = 0
var hits2 = 0
let testsNumber = 1000
for i in 0..<testsNumber {
var doors: [Int] = []
for i in 0..<3 {
doors.append(0) // Append closed door
doors[Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(doors.count)))] = 1 // Here's the car...
var selection = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(doors.count))) // Select door
if doors[selection] == 1 {
hits1 += 1
// Open first closed door
for i in 0..<doors.count {
if doors[i] != 1 {
doors[i] = -1 // Open door
// Switch to next closed door
repeat {
selection = (selection + 1) % doors.count
} while(doors[selection] == -1)
if doors[selection] == 1 {
hits2 += 1
print("Hits: \(hits1), quote: \((Double) (hits1) / (Double) (testsNumber))")
print("Hits: \(hits2), quote: \((Double) (hits2) / (Double) (testsNumber))")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 164
Reputation: 437977
The Monty Hall problem says "pick a door; before I open it, I'll show what's behind one of the other doors (one that doesn't have a car) and let you stay with your initial selection or switch to the other closed door".
But consider:
for i in 0 ..< doors.count {
if doors[i] != 1 {
doors[i] = -1 // Open door
That effectively says "show the contestant what's behind the first door that doesn't have a car".
But, you're not considering the possibility that this door might be the one that the contestant already picked. That's changing the parameters of the game.
You meant to say "open a door that does not have a car and is not the door the contestant picked."
for i in 0 ..< doors.count {
if doors[i] != 1 && i != selection {
doors[i] = -1 // Open door
When you do that, your odds by always changing your selection (having been shown one of the other two doors that didn't have a car) goes up to 2/3rds.
Upvotes: 2