Reputation: 171
In a nutshell:
feign client tries to call http://MyApp/endpoint instead of
I have an application with instances in AWS registering to an Eureka server and a feign client on the same Eureka server trying to communicate with the application (server is also client of itself if you will).
This is an sample of the /eureka/apps output on the server:
<port enabled="true">8080</port>
<securePort enabled="false">443</securePort>
<dataCenterInfo class="">
<metadata class="java.util.Collections$EmptyMap"/>
The client code is like so:
public interface JsapiCustomerClient {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/customers")
public void createCustomer(@Valid @RequestBody CustomerConfig customer);
I get the following error when trying to execute the method:
Connection refused executing POST http://JSAPI/customers
I expected it to try and call POST
Any clue? This works on my local, fails once in the cloud.
EDIT: Adding pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Packages the application to run in Elastic Beanstalk -->
<description>A Eureka server paired with JSAPI apps specific status endpoints. The server is used to manage instance and customer status within a JSAPI cluster.</description>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5794
Reputation: 3475
Could you post your eureka-client settings?
I believe you would need to set @FeignClient
's name (JSAPI in this case) to a mapping in application.yml (or .properties) and not to the service name.
I recently blogged about Service registration and discovery using Spring Cloud, Eureka, Ribbon, Feign, ... but here is an extract of the accompanying source code:
@FeignClient(name = ActorsClient.ACTORS_SERVIDE_ID)
public interface ActorsClient {
String ACTORS_SERVIDE_ID = "the-demo-registration-api-1";
String ACTORS_ENDPOINT = "/actors";
String ACTOR_BY_ID_ENDPOINT = "/actors/{id}";
Demo Service 2’s application.yml
registerWithEureka: true
fetchRegistry: true
defaultZone: http://localhost:8000/eureka/
hostname: ${hostName}
statusPageUrlPath: ${management.context-path}/info
healthCheckUrlPath: ${management.context-path}/health
preferIpAddress: true
instanceId: ${}:${server.port}
# Eureka vipAddress of the target service
DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses: demo-registration-api-1
#listOfServers: localhost:${SERVER.PORT}
# Interval to refresh the server list from the source (ms)
ServerListRefreshInterval: 30000
You could see the-demo-registration-api-1
is a key in yml file mapped to a registered service with name: demo-registration-api-1
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1955
You can specify eureka.instance.preferIpAddress
in your Eureka configuration then the ip instead of the hostname will be used.
If you want to use hostnames you can specify eureka.instance.hostname: ${vcap.application.uris[0]}
for example from environment.
More info:
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