Reputation: 95
I am trying to insert data from one table to another through a plsql stored procedure which will create a table and then insert. But I get an error that SQL command is not ended properly. Please suggest.
My stored procedure is:
create or replace show errors procedure persons_insert
a1 int;
id1 int;
ac int;
fn varchar2(20);
mn varchar2(20);
ln varchar2(20);
gen varchar2(3);
ey varchar2(10);
col varchar2(10);
h_cms int;
w_ps int;
dob date;
ms varchar2(20);
jt varchar2(30);
dep varchar2(30);
hd date;
aad number(30);
sta varchar2(20);
cx int;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table Persons_data as select * from persons where 1=2';
execute immediate 'alter table persons_data add primary key(person_id)';
while a1 < 100 loop
select count(person_id) into cx from persons;
if ac>cx then
end if;
select firstname from(select firstname,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into fn where rn=ac;
select middlename from(select middlename,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into mn where rn=ac;
select lastname from(select lastname,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into ln where rn=ac;
select gender from(select gender,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into gen where rn=ac;
select eyes from(select eyes,row_number() over(order by person_id )as rn from persons)tmp into ey where rn=ac;
select color from(select color,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into col where rn=ac;
select height_cms from(select height_cms,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into h_cms where rn=ac;
select weight_pounds from(select weight_pounds,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into w_ps where rn=ac;
select date_of_birth from(select date_of_birth,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into dob where rn=ac;
select marital_status from(select marital_status,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into ms where rn=ac;
select job_title from(select job_title,row_number() over(order by person_id )as rn from persons)tmp into jt where rn=ac;
select department from(select department,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into dep where rn=ac;
select hiredate from(select hiredate,row_number() over(order by person_id )as rn from persons)tmp into hd where rn=ac;
select aadhar_no from(select aadhar_no,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into aad where rn=ac;
select status from(select status,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp into sta where rn=ac;
insert into persons_data(Person_id,Firstname,Middlename,Lastname,Gender,Eyes,Color,Height_cms,weight_pounds,Date_of_birth,Marital_status,Job_Title,
Department,hiredate,Aadhar_no,Status) values (id1,fn,mn,ln,gen,ey,col,h_cms,w_ps,dob,ms,jt,dep,hd,aad,sta);
end loop;
EXCEPTION -- exception handlers begin
WHEN OTHERS THEN -- handles all other errors
Error report:
ORA-06550: line 15, column 100: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 15, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 16, column 102: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 16, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 17, column 98: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 17, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 18, column 94: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 18, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 19, column 91: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 19, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 20, column 92: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 20, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 21, column 102: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 21, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 22, column 108: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 22, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 23, column 108: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 23, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 24, column 110: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 24, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored 06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s" *Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error. *Action:
After changes:
create or replace show errors procedure persons_insert
a1 int;
id1 int;
ac int;
fn varchar2(20);
mn varchar2(20);
ln varchar2(20);
gen varchar2(3);
ey varchar2(10);
col varchar2(10);
h_cms int;
w_ps int;
dob date;
ms varchar2(20);
jt varchar2(30);
dep varchar2(30);
hd date;
aad number(30);
sta varchar2(20);
cx int;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table Persons_data as select * from persons where 1=2';
execute immediate 'alter table persons_data add primary key(person_id)';
while a1 < 100 loop
select count(person_id) into cx from persons;
if ac>cx then
end if;
select firstname into fn from(select firstname,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select middlename into mn from(select middlename,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select lastname into ln from(select lastname,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select gender into gen from(select gender,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select eyes into ey from(select eyes,row_number() over(order by person_id )as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select color into col from(select color,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select height_cms into h_cms from(select height_cms,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select weight_pounds into w_ps from(select weight_pounds,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select date_of_birth into dob from(select date_of_birth,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select marital_status into ms from(select marital_status,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select job_title into jt from(select job_title,row_number() over(order by person_id )as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select department into dep from(select department,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select hiredate into hd from(select hiredate,row_number() over(order by person_id )as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select aadhar_no into aad from(select aadhar_no,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
select status into sta from(select status,row_number() over(order by person_id)as rn from persons)tmp where rn=ac;
insert into persons_data(Person_id,Firstname,Middlename,Lastname,Gender,Eyes,Color,Height_cms,weight_pounds,Date_of_birth,Marital_status,Job_Title,
Department,hiredate,Aadhar_no,Status) values (id1,fn,mn,ln,gen,ey,col,h_cms,w_ps,dob,ms,jt,dep,hd,aad,sta);
end loop;
EXCEPTION -- exception handlers begin
WHEN OTHERS THEN -- handles all other errors
Error report:
> ORA-06550: line 2, column 1:
> PLS-00201: identifier 'A1' must be declared
> ORA-06550: line 2, column 1:
> PL/SQL: Statement ignored
> ORA-06550: line 3, column 1:
> PLS-00201: identifier 'ID1' must be declared
> ORA-06550: line 3, column 1:
> PL/SQL: Statement ignored
> ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:
> PLS-00201: identifier 'AC' must be declared
> ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:
> PL/SQL: Statement ignored
> ORA-06550: line 8, column 7:
> PLS-00201: identifier 'A1' must be declared
> ORA-06550: line 8, column 1:
> PL/SQL: Statement ignored
> 06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
> *Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
> *Action:
Upvotes: 2
Views: 573
Reputation: 27261
If you as you said want to merely generate several duplicates for each row moved from persons
table to person_data
, here is one way to simplify your procedure.
create table persons_data as
with dups as(
select level
from dual
connect by level <= 10 -- how many duplicates for each row
) -- will be generated
select rownum -- for primary key column
, p.<list of columns you want to move>
from persons p
cross join dups
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 50067
in each of the SELECT
statements is in the wrong place. It needs to be between the SELECT
and FROM
. The first statement, after reformatting for legibility, is:
select firstname
from (select firstname,
row_number() over (order by person_id) as rn
from persons) tmp
into fn
where rn=ac;
It should be:
select firstname
into fn
from (select firstname,
row_number() over (order by person_id) as rn
from persons) tmp
where rn=ac;
It looks like the rest of the statements are similar.
Best of luck.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 36
Your are sure that ac variable is greather then cx?
for catch error try, oracle's begin exception block and use dbms_output.put_line for print the error message
SELECT price / earnings INTO pe_ratio FROM stocks
WHERE symbol = 'XYZ'; -- might cause division-by-zero error
INSERT INTO stats (symbol, ratio) VALUES ('XYZ', pe_ratio);
EXCEPTION -- exception handlers begin
WHEN OTHERS THEN -- handles all other errors
END; -- exception handlers and block end here
Upvotes: 1