I'm trying out the new SubSonic 3 preview, but I'm not sure about the patterns I should be using for the basic CRUD operations in my MVC project.
I'm trying to keep as much of my data logic in my models, so I added some static CRUD methods to each model's partial class.
For example, let's say I have a configuration table, which should only have a single record. So, my partial class may look something like this:
public partial class Configuration{
// cut down; mocking hooks here IRL
private static IRepository<Configuration> Table = new MyRepository<Configuration>();
public static Configuration Retrieve()
var config = Table.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();
if (config == null)
config = new Configuration();
return config;
public static void Update(Configuration target)
Currently, this doesn't work as the config table has an identity column for a primary key, and Add-ing a new record to the table throws the standard "Cannot insert explicit value for identity column" error. SubSonic 3 doesn't seem to generate classes that, upon new-ing them up, play nice with the rules of the database schema (i.e., no default values, no nullable primitives for values that are nullable in the database, etc).
Now, I can alter my table and pattern to get around these issues, but I'm wondering about when I cannot get around this issue--when I have to add a new record to the database and have an identity as my primary key.
I'm also wondering if this pattern is even correct or not. SubSonic gives you a number of different ways you can go about your repository business, so I'm not sure which one I should be using. I'd LIKE to use my models as MUCH as possible (otherwise why not just Linq to Sql?), so I don't want to use SubSonic's query building goodness when trying to CRUD my models.
What should I do here? Any advice on CRUD patterns for using SubSonic 3 in my MVC project would be welcome and +'d. Also welcome are links to websites that cover this subject for SubSonic 3 but that don't rank high in Google searches...
Asked Rob directly (link here). For my DB, at least, there's a showstopper bug in the generated code. Aaah, alpha software.
With the release of Subsonic3, can we have a little bump to reconsider this question?
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Views: 2862
First and foremost: the t4 templates are there for you to change as needed with SS3. That was the main idea with using T4 - I don't want to back you into my silliness :).
To the question at hand - I think this might be a bug in our templates that refuses to stick a value into the PK field:
ISqlQuery BuildInsertQuery(T item) {
ITable tbl = _db.FindTable(typeof(T).Name);
Insert query = null;
if (tbl != null) {
var hashed = item.ToDictionary();
query = new Insert(_db.Provider).Into<T>(tbl); ;
foreach (string key in hashed.Keys) {
IColumn col = tbl.GetColumn(key);
if (!col.IsPrimaryKey) {
query.Value(key, hashed[key]);
return query;
In this, our check should actually be...
if (!col.IsPrimaryKey && !col.AutoIncrement) {
query.Value(key, hashed[key]);
In this way, the non-identity will be inserted. But in reading your issue here, it sounds to me like you're not trying to insert into a non-identity.
The email you sent me doesn't say anything about PKs as identity - your PK was a thing called "NAme" which is a string type and not and identity (auto-increment).
I'm wondering about when I cannot get around this issue--when I have to add a new record to the database and have an identity as my primary key.
This is what SubSonic assumes - that your PK is an IDENTITY column. If you ONLY have an IDENTITY column, we can't help you because this is a deadlocked table in that you can't insert any value into it, therefor you can't tick the IDENTITY column. Your only recourse at this point is to SET IDENTITY INSERT="off", which defeats the purpose.
Hopefully this will answer your question? If I'm not getting it - can you do this for me:
Thanks Will and I hope I'm not being thick.
Upvotes: 3