Reputation: 3068
I have set up my models to use a polymorphic Image model. This is working fine, however I am wondering if it is possible to change the :styles setting for each model. Found some examples using STI (Model < Image) However this is not an option for me, because I am using a has_many relation.
has_many :images, :as => :imageable
belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true
has_attached_file :file, :styles => { :thumb => "150x150>", :normal => "492x600>"}
#Change this setting depending on model
I tried starting up a debugger inside the Proc method. Only fields related to the attached file is populated:
run'irb(Image):006:0> a.instance => #<Image id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, imageable_id: nil, imageable_type: nil, file_file_name: "IMG_9834.JPG", file_content_type: "image/jpeg", file_file_size: 151326, file_updated_at: "2010-10-30 08:40:23">
This is the object from ImageController#create
@image => #<Image id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, imageable_id: 83, imageable_type: "Art", file_file_name: "IMG_9834.JPG", file_content_type: "image/jpeg", file_file_size: 151326, file_updated_at: "2010-10-30 08:32:49">
I am using paperclip (2.3.5) and Rails 3.0.1. No matter what I do the a.instance object is the image with only the fields related to the attachment populated. Any ideas?
After reading a lot on the Paperclip forum I don't believe it's possible to access the instance before it has been saved. You can onlye see the Paperclip stuff and that's it.
I got around this problem by presaving the image from the Image controller with a before filter - without the attachment
before_filter :presave_image, :only => :create
def presave_image
if # Save if new record / Arts controller sets @image
@image = => params[:image][:imageable_type], :imageable_id => params[:image][:imageable_id]) => false)
@image.file = params[:file] # Set to params[:image][:file] if you edit an image.
Upvotes: 10
Views: 5575
Reputation: 1549
I found the workaround to pickup styles on create.
The key is to implement before_post_process
and after_save
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
medium: "300x300>", thumb: "100x100>"
has_attached_file :file, styles: ->(file){ file.instance.styles }
validates_attachment_content_type :file, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/
# Workaround to pickup styles from imageable model
# paperclip starts processing before all attributes are in the model
# so we start processing after saving
before_post_process ->{
after_save ->{
if !@file_reprocessed && (file_updated_at_changed? || imageable_type_changed?)
@file_reprocessed = true
belongs_to :imageable, polymorphic: true
def styles
if imageable_class.respond_to?(:image_styles)
def imageable_class
imageable_type.constantize if imageable_type.present?
So you have to define image_styles class method in imageable_class In my case it was
class Property < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.image_styles
large: "570x380#",
thumb: "50x70#",
medium: "300x200#"
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 164
After couple of hours of digging into source code of both, ActiveRecord
and Paperclip
, I think there's a solution involving a bit of monkey-patching hackery.
I haven't thoroughly tested it but seems to work for my humble needs.
Below is my config/initializers/activerecord_associations_patch.rb
module ActiveRecord
module Associations
class HasManyAssociation
def build_record(attributes)
if options[:as] && owner
# Unicorns
reflection.build_association({}) do |record|
unless foreign_key_for?(record)
record.public_send "#{options[:as]}=", owner
# Classic Rails way
reflection.build_association(attributes) do |record|
Since reflection
doesn't know our @owner
, it first assigns the attributes
which triggers call to record.#{instance}=
(i.e. Image#file=
), which in turn forwards it to #assign
and performs post_processing
hook, which in the end leads to calling styles
provided in has_attached_file
without polymorphic imageable
being set. huh…
I rewrote the method to build the record first and assign provided attributes later.
Also, it accounts for record#new_record?
in foreign_key_for?
In this way attributes
are assigned once the record has been properly setup. At least i think so ;)
Cleaner solutions and constructive comments are most welcome :)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 696
I've also met with the same problem and after searching for an elegant solution I didn't found anything "really" useful. So, here's my simple solution which seems alright for now; (tho I'm not sure if it has any downsides for the moment)
In model;
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :assetable, polymorphic: true
has_attached_file :attachment, path: ":rails_root/#{path}/assets/images/:style/:filename",
url: '/assets/images/:style/:filename',
styles: -> (a) { a.instance.send(:styles) }
def styles
raise 'Undefined assetable.' unless assetable
if assetable.class == Photo
{ small: 'x40', medium: '120x', large: '300x' }
elsif assetable.class == Avatar
{ small: 'x40', medium: '120x', large: '300x' }
raise "Styles for #{assetable.class} is not defined."
In controller;
@photo =
@photo.build_image(assetable: @photo, attachment: params[:photo][:image_attributes][:attachment])
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 563
I liked MarkGranoff's answer but I came up with a much simpler implementation that does the trick for me and seems more maintainable.
#create new and instantiate the fields you need ( or all except the attachment )
@photo = => params[:photo][:attribution],
:latitude => params[:photo][:latitude ])
#then just assign all params as normal
@photo = Photo.assign_attributes(params[:node])
The second statement assigns the attachment so the processor is fired, and since you've already assigned :attribution and :latitude, their values will be available in the processor via the attachment.instance method.
Thanks everyone here for the insight!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16938
I am really late to the party here, but I wanted to clarify something about accessing model data for anyone else that happens on to this thread. I just faced this issue while using Paperclip to apply watermarks based on data from the model, and got it working after a lot of investigation.
You said:
After reading a lot on the Paperclip forum I don't believe it's possible to access the instance before it has been saved. You can only see the Paperclip stuff and that's it.
In fact, you can see the model data if it's been set in the object before your attachment is assigned!
Your paperclip processors and whatnot are invoked when the attachment in your model is assigned. If you rely on mass assignment (or not, actually), as soon as the attachment is assigned a value, paperclip does its thing.
Here's how I solved the problem:
In my model with the attachment (Photo), I made all the attributes EXCEPT the attachment attr_accessible
, thereby keeping the attachment from being assigned during mass assignment.
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :attribution, :latitude, :longitude, :activity_id, :seq_no, :approved, :caption
has_attached_file :picture, ...
In my controller's create method (for example) I pulled out the picture
from the params
, and then created the object. (It's probably not necessary to remove the picture from params
, since the attr_accessible
statement should prevent picture
from being assgined, but it doesn't hurt). Then I assign the picture
attribute, after all the other attributes of the photo object have been setup.
def create
picture = params[:photo].delete(:picture)
@photo =[:photo])
@photo.picture = picture
In my case, one of the styles for picture calls for applying a watermark, which is the text string held in the attribution
attribute. Before I made these code changes, the attribution string was never applied, and in the watermark code, attachment.instance.attribution
was always nil
. The changes summarized here made the entire model available inside the paperclip processors. The key is to assign your attachment attribute last.
Hope this helps someone.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 151
have the same problem in a production/staging server...BUT not in my local environment. I use same rails/paperclip versions in all servers (2.3.2 and 2.2.6)
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 11
class Banner < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :banner_categoria
validates :banner_categoria_id ,{:presence =>{:message => "não informada"}}
has_attached_file :arquivo
after_initialize :init_attachment
def init_attachment
self.class.has_attached_file :arquivo,
:url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
:path => ":rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
:styles => hash = {
:banner => {
:geometry => "#{self.banner_categoria.largura}x#{self.banner_categoria.altura}>",
:quality => 80
:thumb => "100x100#"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 917
Looking at the Paperclip source for Attachment it looks like the styles
hash can take an object that responds to call
so you may be able to do something like:
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true
has_attached_file :file, :styles => lambda {|attachment| attachment.instance.imageable_type.constantize.image_styles }
Then in any model that has many images:
class Art < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :images, :as => :imageable
def self.image_styles
{ :thumb => "150x150>", :normal => "492x600>" }
Edit: Looks like someone else beat me to it :P.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2625
the :styles
property takes a Proc
as argument, so you can do all kinds of fancy stuff :)
class Image < AR::Base
has_attached_file :file, :styles => { |a| a.instance.file_styles }
def file_styles; { :thumb => "150x150>", :normal => "492x600>" } end
class Didum < Image
def file_styles; { :thumb => "50x50>", :normal => "492x600>" } end
Note - the above code should work, but honestly I have no setup to verify it, but looks like the Paperclip::Attachment#styles
does call
if it responds to it, see
UPDATE the object passed into the Proc
is not the instance, but the Paperclip::Attachment
, but the instance is accessible through instance
on the attachment
PS: And I've seen this in some other places, but can't remember where...
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 787
I've had a similar question when dealing with dynamic behavioral changes on my models. Playing around with irb, I found out that this works:
module Foo
attr_accessor :bar
class Bar
extends Foo
end = 'test' # 'test' # 'test'
# also works for instances of Bar!
So i would create an attribute called image_style that could be changed to whatever module you want to add, by using this code on Image initialization:
def after_initialize
if self.image_style?
extend Object.const_get(image_style)
extend DefaultImageStyle
I just wonder if this works with paperclip since the after_initialize method may be called after paperclip does it's magic.. Worth a try though!
Upvotes: 0