Reputation: 2351

Video JS Range Slider Not Working

I am trying to implement Range slider plugin to my video js player in my react project. I am already markers plugin integrated to my player. I have see the documentation of Rangeslider Plugin and followed the instructions given https://github.com/iamjem/rangeslider-videojs , couldn't get it working. When I do it, neither I get rangeslider on my player nor I get markers (which were working before adding rangeslider). Here is my code.

PlayerLogic.js (I initailize my player in this)

class PlayerLogic extends Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            player: {}

    componentDidMount() {
        var self = this;
        var player = videojs(this.refs.video, this.props.options).ready(function () {
            self.player = this;
            self.player.on('play', self.handlePlay);

        if (this.props.onPlayerInit) this.props.onPlayerInit(player);
var options = {};
            markerStyle: {},
            markers: [
                {length: 8, startTime: 10, endTime: 15, time: 9.5, text: "Cigarette"},
                {length: 2, startTime: 20, endTime: 25, time: 16, text: "Cigarette"},
                {length: 15, startTime: 30, endTime: 38, time: 23.6, text: "Cigarette"},
                {length: 11, startTime: 30, endTime: 38, time: 23.6, text: "Alcohol"},
                {length: 25, startTime: 51, endTime: 55, time: 28, text: "Cigarette"},
                {length: 10, startTime: 60, endTime: 80, time: 35, text: "Alcohol"},
                {length: 15, startTime: 70, endTime: 115, time: 50, text: "Alcohol"},
            onMarkerReached: function () {


        this.setState({player: player});


    handlePlay() {
        console.log("handle play ")

    render() {
        var props = blacklist(this.props, 'children', 'className', 'src', 'type', 'onPlay');
        props.className = cx(this.props.className, 'videojs', 'video-js vjs-default-skin', 'vjs-big-play-centered');

        assign(props, {
            ref: 'video',
            controls: true,
            width: "700", height: "450"

        return (
                <video {... props}>
                    <source src={this.props.src} type={this.props.type} id={this.props.id}/>


part of rangeslider.js (as the actual code is too long)

//----------------Load Plugin----------------//
(function () {
//-- Load RangeSlider plugin in videojs
    function RangeSlider(options) {
        player.rangeslider = new RangeSlider(player, options);

        //When the DOM and the video media is loaded
        function initialVideoFinished(event) {
            var plugin = player.rangeslider;
            //All components will be initialize after they have been loaded by videojs
            for (var index in plugin.components) {

            if (plugin.options.hidden)
                plugin.hide(); //Hide the Range Slider

            if (plugin.options.locked)
                plugin.lock(); //Lock the Range Slider

            if (plugin.options.panel == false)
                plugin.hidePanel(); //Hide the second Panel

            if (plugin.options.controlTime == false)
                plugin.hidecontrolTime(); //Hide the control time panel

            player.trigger('loadedRangeSlider'); //Let know if the Range Slider DOM is ready
        if (player.techName == 'Youtube') {
            //Detect youtube problems
            player.one('error', function (e) {
                switch (player.error) {
                    case 2:
                        alert("The request contains an invalid parameter value. For example, this error occurs if you specify a video ID that does not have 11 characters, or if the video ID contains invalid characters, such as exclamation points or asterisks.");
                    case 5:
                        alert("The requested content cannot be played in an HTML5 player or another error related to the HTML5 player has occurred.");
                    case 100:
                        alert("The video requested was not found. This error occurs when a video has been removed (for any reason) or has been marked as private.");
                    case 101:
                        alert("The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players.");
                    case 150:
                        alert("The owner of the requested video does not allow it to be played in embedded players.");
                        alert("Unknown Error");
            player.on('firstplay', initialVideoFinished);
        } else {
            player.one('playing', initialVideoFinished);

        console.log("Loaded Plugin RangeSlider");
    videojs.plugin('rangeslider', RangeSlider);

//-- Plugin
    function RangeSlider(player, options) {
        var player = player || this;

        this.player = player;

        this.components = {}; // holds any custom components we add to the player

        options = options || {}; // plugin options

        if (!options.hasOwnProperty('locked'))
            options.locked = false; // lock slider handles

        if (!options.hasOwnProperty('hidden'))
            options.hidden = true; // hide slider handles

        if (!options.hasOwnProperty('panel'))
            options.panel = true; // Show Second Panel

        if (!options.hasOwnProperty('controlTime'))
            options.controlTime = true; // Show Control Time to set the arrows in the edition

        this.options = options;


//-- Methods
    RangeSlider.prototype = {
        init: function () {
            var player = this.player || {};

            this.updatePrecision = 3;

            //position in second of the arrows
            this.start = 0;
            this.end = 0;

            //components of the plugin
            var controlBar = player.controlBar;
            var seekBar = controlBar.progressControl.seekBar;
            this.components.RSTimeBar = seekBar.RSTimeBar;
            this.components.ControlTimePanel = controlBar.ControlTimePanel;

            //Save local component
            this.rstb = this.components.RSTimeBar;
            this.box = this.components.SeekRSBar = this.rstb.SeekRSBar;
            this.bar = this.components.SelectionBar = this.box.SelectionBar;
            this.left = this.components.SelectionBarLeft = this.box.SelectionBarLeft;
            this.right = this.components.SelectionBarRight = this.box.SelectionBarRight;
            this.tp = this.components.TimePanel = this.box.TimePanel;
            this.tpl = this.components.TimePanelLeft = this.tp.TimePanelLeft;
            this.tpr = this.components.TimePanelRight = this.tp.TimePanelRight;
            this.ctp = this.components.ControlTimePanel;
            this.ctpl = this.components.ControlTimePanelLeft = this.ctp.ControlTimePanelLeft;
            this.ctpr = this.components.ControlTimePanelRight = this.ctp.ControlTimePanelRight;

        lock: function () {
            this.options.locked = true;
            if (typeof this.box != 'undefined')
                videojs.addClass(this.box.el_, 'locked');
        unlock: function () {
            this.options.locked = false;
            if (typeof this.box != 'undefined')
                videojs.removeClass(this.box.el_, 'locked');
        show: function () {
            this.options.hidden = false;
            if (typeof this.rstb != 'undefined') {
                if (this.options.controlTime)
        hide: function () {
            this.options.hidden = true;
            if (typeof this.rstb != 'undefined') {
        showPanel: function () {
            this.options.panel = true;
            if (typeof this.tp != 'undefined')
                videojs.removeClass(this.tp.el_, 'disable');
        hidePanel: function () {
            this.options.panel = false;
            if (typeof this.tp != 'undefined')
                videojs.addClass(this.tp.el_, 'disable');
        showcontrolTime: function () {
            this.options.controlTime = true;
            if (typeof this.ctp != 'undefined')
        hidecontrolTime: function () {
            this.options.controlTime = false;
            if (typeof this.ctp != 'undefined')
        setValue: function (index, seconds, writeControlTime) {
            //index = 0 for the left Arrow and 1 for the right Arrow. Value in seconds
            var writeControlTime = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined' ? writeControlTime : true;

            var percent = this._percent(seconds);
            var isValidIndex = (index === 0 || index === 1);
            var isChangeable = !this.locked;
            if (isChangeable && isValidIndex)
                this.box.setPosition(index, percent, writeControlTime);
        setValues: function (start, end, writeControlTime) {
            //index = 0 for the left Arrow and 1 for the right Arrow. Value in seconds
            var writeControlTime = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined' ? writeControlTime : true;


            this._setValuesLocked(start, end, writeControlTime);
        getValues: function () { //get values in seconds
            var values = {}, start, end;
            start = this.start || this._getArrowValue(0);
            end = this.end || this._getArrowValue(1);
            return {start: start, end: end};
        playBetween: function (start, end, showRS) {
            showRS = typeof showRS == 'undefined' ? true : showRS;
            if (showRS) {
            } else {
            this._setValuesLocked(start, end);

            this.bar.activatePlay(start, end);
        loop: function (start, end, show) {
            var player = this.player;

            if (player) {
                player.on("pause", videojs.bind(this, function () {
                    this.looping = false;

                show = typeof show === 'undefined' ? true : show;

                if (show) {
                else {
                this._setValuesLocked(start, end);

                this.timeStart = start;
                this.timeEnd = end;
                this.looping = true;


                this.player.on("timeupdate", videojs.bind(this, this.bar.process_loop));
        _getArrowValue: function (index) {
            var index = index || 0;
            var duration = this.player.duration();

            duration = typeof duration == 'undefined' ? 0 : duration;

            var percentage = this[index === 0 ? "left" : "right"].el_.style.left.replace("%", "");
            if (percentage == "")
                percentage = index === 0 ? 0 : 100;

            return videojs.round(this._seconds(percentage / 100), this.updatePrecision - 1);
        _percent: function (seconds) {
            var duration = this.player.duration();
            if (isNaN(duration)) {
                return 0;
            return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, seconds / duration));
        _seconds: function (percent) {
            var duration = this.player.duration();
            if (isNaN(duration)) {
                return 0;
            return Math.min(duration, Math.max(0, percent * duration));
        _reset: function () {
            var duration = this.player.duration();
            this.tpl.el_.style.left = '0%';
            this.tpr.el_.style.left = '100%';
            this._setValuesLocked(0, duration);
        _setValuesLocked: function (start, end, writeControlTime) {
            var triggerSliderChange = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined';
            var writeControlTime = typeof writeControlTime != 'undefined' ? writeControlTime : true;
            if (this.options.locked) {
                this.unlock();//It is unlocked to change the bar position. In the end it will return the value.
                this.setValue(0, start, writeControlTime);
                this.setValue(1, end, writeControlTime);
            } else {
                this.setValue(0, start, writeControlTime);
                this.setValue(1, end, writeControlTime);

            // Trigger slider change
            if (triggerSliderChange) {
        _checkControlTime: function (index, TextInput, timeOld) {
            var h = TextInput[0],
                m = TextInput[1],
                s = TextInput[2],
                newHour = h.value,
                newMin = m.value,
                newSec = s.value,
                obj, objNew, objOld;
            index = index || 0;

            if (newHour != timeOld[0]) {
                obj = h;
                objNew = newHour;
                objOld = timeOld[0];
            } else if (newMin != timeOld[1]) {
                obj = m;
                objNew = newMin;
                objOld = timeOld[1];
            } else if (newSec != timeOld[2]) {
                obj = s;
                objNew = newSec;
                objOld = timeOld[2];
            } else {
                return false;

            var duration = this.player.duration() || 0,

            var intRegex = /^\d+$/;//check if the objNew is an integer
            if (!intRegex.test(objNew) || objNew > 60) {
                objNew = objNew == "" ? "" : objOld;

            newHour = newHour == "" ? 0 : newHour;
            newMin = newMin == "" ? 0 : newMin;
            newSec = newSec == "" ? 0 : newSec;

            durationSel = videojs.TextTrack.prototype.parseCueTime(newHour + ":" + newMin + ":" + newSec);
            if (durationSel > duration) {
                obj.value = objOld;
                obj.style.border = "1px solid red";
            } else {
                obj.value = objNew;
                h.style.border = m.style.border = s.style.border = "1px solid transparent";
                this.setValue(index, durationSel, false);

                // Trigger slider change
            if (index === 1) {
                var oldTimeLeft = this.ctpl.el_.children,
                    durationSelLeft = videojs.TextTrack.prototype.parseCueTime(oldTimeLeft[0].value + ":" + oldTimeLeft[1].value + ":" + oldTimeLeft[2].value);
                if (durationSel < durationSelLeft) {
                    obj.style.border = "1px solid red";
            } else {

                var oldTimeRight = this.ctpr.el_.children,
                    durationSelRight = videojs.TextTrack.prototype.parseCueTime(oldTimeRight[0].value + ":" + oldTimeRight[1].value + ":" + oldTimeRight[2].value);
                if (durationSel > durationSelRight) {
                    obj.style.border = "1px solid red";
        _triggerSliderChange: function () {

//----------------Public Functions----------------//

//-- Public Functions added to video-js

//Lock the Slider bar and it will not be possible to change the arrow positions
    videojs.Player.prototype.lockSlider = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.lock();

//Unlock the Slider bar and it will be possible to change the arrow positions
    videojs.Player.prototype.unlockSlider = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.unlock();

//Show the Slider Bar Component
    videojs.Player.prototype.showSlider = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.show();

//Hide the Slider Bar Component
    videojs.Player.prototype.hideSlider = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.hide();

//Show the Panel with the seconds of the selection
    videojs.Player.prototype.showSliderPanel = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.showPanel();

//Hide the Panel with the seconds of the selection
    videojs.Player.prototype.hideSliderPanel = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.hidePanel();

//Show the control Time to edit the position of the arrows
    videojs.Player.prototype.showControlTime = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.showcontrolTime();

//Hide the control Time to edit the position of the arrows
    videojs.Player.prototype.hideControlTime = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.hidecontrolTime();

//Set a Value in second for both arrows
    videojs.Player.prototype.setValueSlider = function (start, end) {
        return this.rangeslider.setValues(start, end);

//The video will be played in a selected section
    videojs.Player.prototype.playBetween = function (start, end) {
        return this.rangeslider.playBetween(start, end);

//The video will loop between to values
    videojs.Player.prototype.loopBetween = function (start, end) {
        return this.rangeslider.loop(start, end);

//Set a Value in second for the arrows
    videojs.Player.prototype.getValueSlider = function () {
        return this.rangeslider.getValues();

//----------------Create new Components----------------//

//--Charge the new Component into videojs
    videojs.SeekBar.prototype.options_.children.RSTimeBar = {}; //Range Slider Time Bar
    videojs.ControlBar.prototype.options_.children.ControlTimePanel = {}; //Panel with the time of the range slider

//-- Design the new components

     * Range Slider Time Bar
     * @param {videojs.Player|Object} player
     * @param {Object=} options
     * @constructor


Upvotes: 1

Views: 2091

Answers (1)

Burak Akyıldız
Burak Akyıldız

Reputation: 1644

This plugin is not compatible with videojs version over 4.2. You can look issue here

AND Owner of plugin wroten to github that at the begining of readme
"This plugin will no longer be maintained. Welcome those who want to continue the project."

Upvotes: 1

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