Reputation: 926
I'm trying to compile my objective-c library with Xcode (or xcodebuild) but it seems that Xcode is only taking the last two numbers of my "Base SDK" (10.1 in my case) build setting :
xcodebuild -scheme mylib -workspace mylib_objc.xcworkspace -sdk "iphonesimulator10.1" build
output error :
/bin/sh -c /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mylib_objc-dcainaehwbdhdeeyoykilqflodnx/Build/Intermediates/
XCode has selected SDK: iphonesimulator with version: 0.1 (although back-targetting: 7.0)
...therefore, OTHER_SDK_TO_BUILD = iphoneos0.1
RECURSION: I am the root ... recursing all missing build targets NOW...
RECURSION: ...about to invoke: xcodebuild -configuration "Debug" -project "mylib.xcodeproj" -target "mylib" -sdk "iphoneos0.1" build RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER=NO BUILD_DIR="/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mylib_objc-dcainaehwbdhdeeyoykilqflodnx/Build/Products" BUILD_ROOT="/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mylib_objc-dcainaehwbdhdeeyoykilqflodnx/Build/Products" SYMROOT="/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mylib_objc-dcainaehwbdhdeeyoykilqflodnx/Build/Products"
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos0.1" cannot be located.
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 64
I then tried with a coworker who has xCode 8 (and therefore base sdk=10.0), the error was xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos0.0" cannot be located.
Any idea how to force the compilation ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 486
Reputation: 890
You are buiding your library with an old build script. Checkout my answer here
Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+
and update your script then you should be fine.
Upvotes: 1