Reputation: 576
I am having issues to use the java program in Django project in a localserver in MAC OS.
I have installed ResumeParser in the Django Project like:
-- Django Project -- app1 -- app2 -- ResumerParser
Here is my code but it says "Could not find or load main class".
if form.is_valid():
f =
resume = form.cleaned_data['resume']
cmd = ['java', '-cp', 'bin/:../GATEFiles/lib/:../GATEFiles/bin/gate.jar:lib/*', 'code4goal.antony.resumeparser.ResumeParserProgram %s textOutput.json' % resume]
Any clues of how to solve this? I've tried every post related to this theme in StackOverflow no success.
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1838
Reputation: 576
After two weeks I got it working. All files must be copied to the ResumeParser/ResumeTransducer dir.
Also, there's a need to inform the current dir for file parsing.
Here is the implementation:
# first save the file
if form.is_valid():
f =
resume = form.cleaned_data['resume']
f.resume = resume
# copy file to the CV parser dir so java can parse the file
cf = "." + f.resume.url
shutil.copy2(cf, 'ResumeParser/ResumeTransducer')
# get file to convert
fl_name = str(f.resume).split('/')[-1]
# get file name to make json output
base_name = os.path.splitext(fl_name)[0]
cmd = "java -cp 'bin/*:../GATEFiles/lib/*:../GATEFiles/bin/gate.jar:lib/*' code4goal.antony.resumeparser.ResumeParserProgram %s %s.json" % (fl_name, base_name)
# get the current working dir
# call java
subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
Thanks Jean-François Fabre!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 140297
You're mixing up well-delimiter parameters with parameters grouped with spaces.
cmd = ['java', '-cp', 'bin/:../GATEFiles/lib/:../GATEFiles/bin/gate.jar:lib/*', 'code4goal.antony.resumeparser.ResumeParserProgram %s textOutput.json' % resume]
Your last parameter is seen as a single parameter and is protected by spaces by subprocess
"code4goal.antony.resumeparser.ResumeParserProgram resume_value textOutput.json"
=> The whole "class<space>param1<space>param2"
is seen as your class: no wonder why it's not found.
Split all your parameters and it will work, subprocess
won't group your parameters, no quoting (note the forced conversion of the resume
object to str
cmd = ['java', '-cp', 'bin/:../GATEFiles/lib/:../GATEFiles/bin/gate.jar:lib/*', 'code4goal.antony.resumeparser.ResumeParserProgram', str(resume),'textOutput.json']
Upvotes: 1