Reputation: 353
I have zero experience using d3 and I use Javascript and jQuery only sporadically.
I am trying to create a simple scatterplot with a slider in d3 (and jQuery). The purpose of the slider is to select the dataset to plot. I have a JSON object all_data
, a list of maps. For each map in the list, I use the "SI"
and "F1"
lists as x and y values, respectively.
When the slider is moved, I call the plotData()
function with as argument an integer number that represents the index of the dataset in all_data
(So plotData(5)
would plot the 6th dataset in all_data
Now, for some reason, the plot axes construct nicely, but the data points do not plot. I have tried to debug the code by placing console.log(data)
function (d,i) { console.log(d); return x(d['SI'])
at relevant sections in the code (see the comment lines). The data
object contains data at all points in the function. The problem seems to arise after g.selectAll("scatter-dots")
part. I suspect the final call to the function plotting the 'dots' is not called, but I cannot figure out why.
My question is: how can I fix my code such that the data points are added to the plot? Any other tips on coding, design or performance improvements are more than welcome - here to learn.
EDIT: I use a custom d3.slider extension from GitHub
var all_data = [{"REGRESSION_Y": [ list_of_floats ], "F1": [ list_of_floats ], "SI": [ list_of_floats ], "f+": some_float_val }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>D3 Test</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="d3/d3-slider-master/d3.slider.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="plot.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="d3/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="json_data.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="d3/d3-slider-master/d3.slider.js"></script>
<h2><span id="slider3text">Data points selected: 5</span></h2>
<div id='container' style='width: 75%; height: 100%' class='centered'>
<div id="plotfield" style='width: 100%; height: 90%'></div>
<div id="slider3" style='height: auto'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">'#slider3').call(d3.slider().axis(true).min( 5 ).max( all_data.length-1 ).step(1).on("slide", function(evt, value) {'#slider3text').text("Data points selected: " + value);
<script type="text/javascript">
function plotData(i) {
var data = all_data[i]
var margin = {top: 50, right: 5, bottom: 80, left: 5}
, width = $("#container").width() - margin.left - margin.right
, height = $("#container").height() - - margin.bottom;
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d['SI']; })])
.range([ 0, width ]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d['F1']; })])
.range([ height, 0 ]);
var chart ='#plotfield')
.attr('width', width + margin.right + margin.left)
.attr('height', height + + margin.bottom)
.attr('class', 'chart')
var main = chart.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.attr('class', 'main')
// draw the x axis
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')')
.attr('class', 'main axis date')
// draw the y axis
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)')
.attr('class', 'main axis date')
var g = main.append("svg:g");
//console.log(data), this worked here
// I have tried function (d,i) { console.log(d); return x(d['SI'])
//in the below anonymous functions, but that doesn't yield an output,
//causing me to suspect that the functions are not executed.
.attr("cx", function (d,i) { return x(d['SI']); } )
.attr("cy", function (d) { return y(d['F1']); } )
.attr("r", 3);
and the CSS file:
.centered {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
/* bring your own prefixes */
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
body {
font: 11px sans-serif;
.tooltip {
position: absolute;
width: 200px;
height: 28px;
pointer-events: none;
.axis line, .axis path {
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
stroke: black;
fill: none;
circle {
fill: steelblue;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 807
Reputation: 26
From what I see the data[i]
returned an object. This is of course not a problem, but the d3 method enter() only supports arrays.
This means that you cannot have things like d['f1']
when using enter()
to add data. Converting them into arrays before using them fixes this and you can use d
(the array entry) or i
the array entry index.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 353
The problem turned out to be the fact dat the var data = all_data[i]
returned an object, instead of an array. A colleague of mine provided the following edit to make it work. (Also some other code was changed to add a trend line to the script).
<script type="text/javascript">
function plotData(i) {
// extracting data
var data = all_data[i];
var F1 = data.F1;
var SI = data.SI;
// removing previous plot
// margins and spacings (slightly larger, y-axis was invinsible)
var margin = {top: 50, right: 15, bottom: 80, left: 15}
, width = $("#container").width() - margin.left - margin.right
, height = $("#container").height() - - margin.bottom;
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(SI)])
.range([ 0, width ]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(F1)])
.range([ height, 0]);
var chart ='#plotfield')
.attr('width', width + margin.right + margin.left)
.attr('height', height + + margin.bottom)
.attr('class', 'chart')
var main = chart.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height)
.attr('class', 'main')
// draw the x axis
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + height + ')')
.attr('class', 'main axis date')
// draw the y axis
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)')
.attr('class', 'main axis date')
// append extra g part in svg and append to it
var g = main.append("svg:g")
// append the line
.attr('x1', x(d3.min(SI)))//function(d, i) { return x(d[]) + i; })
.attr('x2', x(d3.max(SI)))//(2)//function(d, i) { return y(d['REGRESSION_Y']); });
.attr('y1', y(d3.min(REGRESSION_Y)))
.attr('y2', y(d3.max(REGRESSION_Y)))
.style('stroke', '#1B3277')
// append the dots
.attr("cx", function (d,i) { return x(SI[i]); } )
.attr("cy", function (d,i) { return y(F1[i]); } )
.attr("r", 3);
Upvotes: 0