I have got the following data.frame:
df = read.csv(text = 'date, no, no2, nox,
2015-10-16 00:00:00, 1.10979, 14.50249, 16.20413,
2015-10-16 01:00:00, 1.73032, 13.60122, 16.25434,
2015-10-17 00:00:00, 1.30592, 11.20056, 13.20294,
2015-10-17 01:00:00, 2.05711, 11.34973, 14.50392,
2015-10-18 00:00:00, 4.14603, 16.79844, 23.15559,
2015-10-18 01:00:00, 7.73731, 24.74488, 36.60860')
df = df[,-c(5)]
I need to calculate the mean for each hour of the three days for all the variables.
I tried this but it doesn't work:
data_0 = df[hours(df$date) %in% 0,]
data_1 = df[hours(df$date) %in% 1,]
Any suggestion?
The output should be a dataframe where for each variable I have the mean for each hours in the three days time frame.
> class(df$date)
[1] "POSIXlt" "POSIXt"
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Here is tidyverse example, this should work. This way repeating is pretty minimal.
df = read.csv(text = 'date, no, no2, nox,
2015-10-16 00:00:00, 1.10979, 14.50249, 16.20413,
2015-10-16 01:00:00, 1.73032, 13.60122, 16.25434,
2015-10-17 00:00:00, 1.30592, 11.20056, 13.20294,
2015-10-17 01:00:00, 2.05711, 11.34973, 14.50392,
2015-10-18 00:00:00, 4.14603, 16.79844, 23.15559,
2015-10-18 01:00:00, 7.73731, 24.74488, 36.60860')
df = df[,-c(5)]
df %>%
mutate(date = ymd_hms(date),
hour = hour(date)) %>%
group_by(hour) %>%
summarise(mean_no = mean(no),
mean_no2 = mean(no2))
Upvotes: 1
#1 create column with hour
df$hour <- as.POSIXlt(df$date)$hour
#2 calculate no (col 2) mean for each group of hours
data_no = aggregate(df$no, by=list(hour=df$hour), FUN=mean)
#3 rename cols
colnames(data_no) = c('hour', 'mean')
repeat points 2 and 3 for all the variables of interest.
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as your dataset is not provided in a reproducible format, I am using a dataset from library(openair).
data(mydata, package = "openair")
melt(setDT(mydata), id.var = "date")[, .(
avg = mean(value, na.rm = T)
), by = .(hour(date), variable)]
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