Reputation: 3040
I have a table with a column called Days
. The Days
column stores a comma delimited string representing days of the week. For example the value 1,2
would represent Sunday, Monday
. Instead of storing this information as a comma delimited string, I want to convert it to JSON and store it in a column called Frequency
in the same table. For example, a record with the Days
value of 1,2
should be updated to store the following in it's Frequency
I found a way to do this using a case statement assuming that there is only one digit in the Days
column like so:
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 1 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":true,"Monday":false,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}'
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 2 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":false,"Monday":true,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}'
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 3 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":false,"Monday":false,"Tuesday":true,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}'
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 4 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":false,"Monday":false,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":true,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}'
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 5 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":false,"Monday":false,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":true,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}'
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 6 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":false,"Monday":false,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":true,"Saturday":false}}'
WHEN SCH_ITM.DAYS = 7 THEN '{"weekly":{"interval":1,"Sunday":false,"Monday":false,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":true}}'
However I cannot seem to figure out an effecient way to handle converting a value such as 1,5
into the correct JSON representation. Obviously I could write out every possible permutation, but surely is a better way?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 31
Reputation: 2507
Okay this will give you what you have asked for
create table test (days varchar(20), frequency varchar(500))
insert into test(days) values('1'),('2'),('3'),('4'),('5'),('6'),('7'),('1,5')
update test set frequency = '{"weekly":{"interval":1,'
+ '"Sunday": ' + case when days like '%1%' then 'true' else 'false' end + ','
+ '"Monday": ' + case when days like '%2%' then 'true' else 'false' end + ','
+ '"Tuesday": ' + case when days like '%3%' then 'true' else 'false' end + ','
+ '"Wednesday": ' + case when days like '%4%' then 'true' else 'false' end + ','
+ '"Thursday": ' + case when days like '%5%' then 'true' else 'false' end + ','
+ '"Friday": ' + case when days like '%6%' then 'true' else 'false' end + ','
+ '"Saturday": ' + case when days like '%7%' then 'true' else 'false' end + '}}'
select * from test
Though of course e.g. Days = '1234' will produce the same as '1,2,3,4' - as will 'Bl4arg3le12' for that matter. If Days is a string, you can put '8' which is meaningless?
Really it sounds like you need an extra table or two:
If "MyTable" is the table with the Days column, add a Days table with the days of the week, then a MyTableDays table to link MyTable entries to days - for the 1,5 example, there would be two rows in MyTableDays
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 81960
With the help of a parse function and an cross apply
;with cteDays As (Select ID,Name From (Values(1,'Sunday'),(2,'Monday'),(3,'Tuesday'),(4,'Wednesday'),(5,'Thursday'),(6,'Friday'),(7,'Saturday')) D(ID,Name))
Update YourTable Set Frequency = '{"weekly":"interval":1,'+String+'}}'
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select String = Stuff((Select ','+String
From (
Select String='"'+Name+'":'+case when RetVal is null then 'false' else 'true' end
From [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse](A.Days,',') A
Right Join cteDays B on RetVal=ID) N
For XML Path ('')),1,1,'')
) B
Select * from YourTable
Updated Table
Days Frequency
1,2 {"weekly":"interval":1,"Sunday":true,"Monday":true,"Tuesday":false,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}
1,2,3 {"weekly":"interval":1,"Sunday":true,"Monday":true,"Tuesday":true,"Wednesday":false,"Thursday":false,"Friday":false,"Saturday":false}}
The UDF if needed
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse] (@String varchar(max),@Delimiter varchar(10))
Returns Table
Return (
Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By (Select null))
,RetVal = LTrim(RTrim(B.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(max)')))
From (Select x = Cast('<x>'+ Replace(@String,@Delimiter,'</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml).query('.')) as A
Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B(i)
--Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse]('Dog,Cat,House,Car',',')
--Select * from [dbo].[udf-Str-Parse]('John Cappelletti was here',' ')
Upvotes: 1