Reputation: 211
I'm trying to make it so that when you right click, the row is highlighted blue and you can then edit or delete that entry. However, since adding a scrollbar, if the page is scrolled then the selection will be offset.
I have tried to suggested thing of finding the canvasx and canvasy and then using find_closest(0, however when i do that it always returns (1,) no matter what.
Canvasx and canvasy seem local to each label, not the canvas itself
from tkinter import *
def RightClick(event):
#Find widgets on the row that was right clicked
for widget in frame.winfo_children():
mouseClickY = event.y_root - root.winfo_y() - widget.winfo_height()
widgetTopY = widget.winfo_y()
widgetBottomY = widget.winfo_y() + widget.winfo_height()
if (widget.winfo_class() == "Label") and (mouseClickY > widgetTopY) and (mouseClickY < widgetBottomY):
#Highlight that row
if widget.cget("bg") != "#338fff":
widget.config(bg = "#338fff", fg="#FFFFFF")
#Deselect all rows
elif widget.winfo_class() == "Label":
widget.config(bg = "#FFFFFF", fg="#000000")
def onFrameConfigure(event):
root = Tk()
root.bind("<Button-3>", RightClick)
canvas = Canvas(root, width = 1080, height=500)
frame = Frame(canvas)
scrollbar = Scrollbar(root, command=canvas.yview)
canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw",tags="frame")
frame.bind("<Configure>", onFrameConfigure)
for countY in range(40):
for countX in range(6):
l = Label(frame, text=countX, width = 25, height = 1, bg="#FFFFFF")
Upvotes: 3
Views: 643
Reputation: 211
Solved it, turns out
mouseClickY = event.y_root - root.winfo_y() - widget.winfo_height()
widgetTopY = widget.winfo_y()
widgetBottomY = widget.winfo_y() + widget.winfo_height()
should be
mouseClickY = event.y_root - root.winfo_y()
widgetTopY = widget.winfo_rooty()
widgetBottomY = widget.winfo_rooty() + widget.winfo_height()
I should have used winfo_containing
, which is a lot neater
Upvotes: 1