Reputation: 7523
In the serverless.yml
file you can specify the name of an API key to use with functions in the deployed API. You list the API key name(s), and then mark the methods you wish to secure with it as private. For example:
name: aws
runtime: nodejs4.3
cfLogs: true
- MyAPIKey
Upon deploy, the framework generates the API key and assigns it to the functions. It generates the key even if one with the same name already exists in the environment.
Is there a way to specify an existing API key, rather than have the framework generate it? We really wish to keep generating the key separate from deployments.
Upvotes: 14
Views: 7867
Reputation: 1051
I know this is old, but I've had this problem recently and solved it, so I thought I'd put what I found here.
This answer is based on this forum post, which required a bit of context for me to get working:
Using the resources section it is possible to add custom CloudFormation configs into your deployment. This includes adding in a custom usage plan with specific api keys enabled:
The structure is roughly as follows, with explanations below:
Type: "AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan"
DependsOn: ApiGatewayRestApi
UsagePlanName: ${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}-usagePlan
Limit: 10000
Offset: 0
Period: DAY
BurstLimit: 20
RateLimit: 10
Ref: ApiGatewayRestApi
Stage: ${self:provider.stage}
Type: "AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey"
DependsOn: MyServiceUsagePlan
Properties :
KeyId: ${file(./conf/${self:provider.stage}.yml):MyServiceKeyId}
KeyType: API_KEY
Ref: MyServiceUsagePlan
Each of these Resources are named after the key you give them. Serverless gives you the name of the serverless-generated Resource names in case you wish to overwrite parts of them or reference them. You can name them pretty much anything, though, as long as it matches CloudFormation naming requirements.
Serverless does add a few variables, though:
Additionally, some behaviour about usage plans and usage plan keys:
You may be interested in creating your auth structure outside of any one api deployment and using CloudFormation's (via Serverless) Outputs service to get the ARN and/or ID of each of the resources you've created:
Outputs uses the same format as Resources and an example can be seen in the example aws serverless.yml. This will allow you to change the usage plans independent of the apis themselves and maintain that separately. You can save those outputs for use by your apis, using a javascript variable reference to add only the plans that should be enabled on a per-stage, per-api basis.
tl;dr - Use the resources structure to make raw CloudFormation configs.
Upvotes: 17