Reputation: 725
I am using capistrano rails gem
in my application. When I run cap production deploy
it deploys my changes and at the same time it runs my db:migrate
and runs all my pending migrations.
For a testing reason I don't want it to run db:migrate
after it deploy.
How can I prevent capistrano
to run deploy:migrate
when deploying and more importantly how I can see my migrations status to see all my pending migrations capistrano
will run.
For instnace in development ENV I can just run rake db:migrate:status
and its shows me which migrations are up
or down
and which will/need to run.
Only namespace/function
in my deploy.rb
namespace :deploy do
after :restart, :clear_cache do
on roles(:web), in: :groups, limit: 3, wait: 10 do
desc "reload the database with seed data"
task :seed do
puts "\n=== Seeding Database ===\n"
on primary :db do
within current_path do
with rails_env: fetch(:stage) do
execute :rake, 'db:seed'
Rest of my deploy.rb
has all usual things such as:
set :application
, set :repo_url
, set :passenger_restart_with_touch
, set :deploy_to
, set :bundle_binstubs
, set :linked_files
, set :linked_dirs
My versions:
Rails: 4.2.4
Capistrano: 3.5
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1078
Reputation: 2653
You have two ways of initializing the Capistrano-Rails Gem. In your Capfile
, you can add require 'capistrano/rails'
, which will generate assets and run migrations, or you can add require 'capistrano/rails/assets'
and/or require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'
which will do one or the other, or both if both are included.
So, to not run migrations, make sure that require 'capistrano/rails'
and require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'
are not in your Capfile.
Upvotes: 3