Reputation: 115
If I have a table in SQL SERVER:
DATE ITEM Quantity_Received
1/1/2016 Hammer 20
1/3/2016 Hammer 50
1/5/2016 Hammer 100
And I want to output:
DATE ITEM Quantity_Running
1/1/2016 Hammer 20
1/2/2016 Hammer 20
1/3/2016 Hammer 70
1/4/2016 Hammer 70
1/5/2016 Hammer 120
Where Quantity_Running is just a cumulative sum. I am confused on how I would add the missing dates to the output table that do not exist in the initial table. Note, I would need to do this for many items and would probably have a temp-table with the dates I want.
Thank you!
And is there a way to do it such that you use an inner join?
SUM(FT2.QTY) AS Cumulative
FROM tempDates TD
LEFT JOIN FutureOrders FT1
INNER JOIN FutureOrders FT2
ON FT1.Settle_Date < ft2.Settle_Date AND ft1.ITEM= ft2.ITEM
GROUP BY ft1.ITEM, ft1.Settle_Date
tempDates is a CTE that has the dates I want. Because I am then returning NULL values. And sorry, but to make it a bit more complicated I actually want:
DATE ITEM Quantity_Running
1/1/2016 Hammer 150
1/2/2016 Hammer 100
1/3/2016 Hammer 100
1/4/2016 Hammer 0
1/5/2016 Hammer 0
Thought I would be able to get the answer by myself based on my simpler question.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2160
Reputation: 49270
Generate all the dates (for a specified range of dates) using a recursive cte. Thereafter left join on the generated dates cte and get the running sum for missing dates as well.
with dates_cte as
(select cast('2016-01-01' as date) dt
union all
select dateadd(dd,1,dt) from dates_cte where dt < '2016-01-31' --change this date to the maximum date needed
select dt,item,sum(quantity) over(partition by item order by dt) quantity_running
from (select d.dt,i.item,
coalesce(t.quantity_received,0) quantity
from dates_cte d
cross join (select distinct item from t) i
left join t on t.dt=d.dt and i.item=t.item) x
order by 2,1
Edit: To get the reverse cumulative sum excluding the current row, use
with dates_cte as
(select cast('2016-01-01' as date) dt
union all
select dateadd(dd,1,dt) from dates_cte where dt < '2016-01-31' --change this date to the maximum date needed
select dt,item,
sum(quantity) over(partition by item order by dt desc rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) quantity_running
from (select d.dt,i.item,
coalesce(t.quantity_received,0) quantity
from dates_cte d
cross join (select distinct item from t) i
left join t on t.dt=d.dt and i.item=t.item) x
order by 2,1
Upvotes: 6