Reputation: 13
I'm translating an app (javascript) and I want to make it faster. I need a way to take selected text for example "Lorem Ipsum", replace it with "strings.lorem_ipsum". Then I want to go to the end of the file where my translation object is and add a field "lorem_ipsum: 'Lorem Ipsum' ". My thought was to create a function that does:
1) Create a marker (ma)
2) Copy selected text to variable (str1)
3) let str2= join(split(tolower(str), " "), "_");
4) Replace str1 with {strings.str2}
5) Go to the translation object (/\s+en:\s+{)
6) Add line, and add str2: 'str1'
7) Jump back to the marker (`a)
Can someone explain how to do it the right way so I can map it to a specific key?
<Text>Lorem Ipsum</Text>
strings = {
en : {
strings = {
en : {
lorem_ipsum : 'Lorem Ipsum'
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Views: 112
Reputation: 1218
This works for me:
Put the following in your .vimrc (restart vim) and then visually select Lorem Ipsum
and press l
function! Lorem()
let str1 = getreg("@")
let str2 = join(split(tolower(str1), " "), "_")
call append(line('$'), " " . str2 . " : '" . str1 . "'")
return "{strings." . str2 . "}"
vnoremap l s<C-R>=Lorem()<CR><ESC>
Upvotes: 1