Reputation: 4062
Lemma in_app_iff : forall A l l' (a:A),
In a (l++l') <-> In a l \/ In a l'.
- induction l.
+ simpl.
induction l'.
* simpl. intros. inversion H.
* simpl.
intros [HL | HR].
right. left. apply HL.
right. right. apply HR.
+ simpl.
intros [HL | HR].
* left. left. apply HL.
* apply or_assoc.
apply IHl.
apply HR.
- intros [HL | HR].
+ induction l.
* inversion HL.
* simpl in HL.
A : Type
x : A
l, l' : list A
a : A
HL : x = a \/ In a l
IHl : In a l -> In a (l ++ l')
x = a \/ In a (l ++ l')
I am thinking that if I could somehow apply IHl
on the right side only, then I could apply HL
to solve the case but I am not sure how.
If I use split here then I would lose the ability to solve this problem as I would have to prove that x = a
in the In a l
branch of the hypothesis and vice versa.
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Views: 572
Reputation: 6852
A couple of notes:
First, your proof is too long. Think a bit more, in particular see if you are maybe doing too many inductions or splitting in the wrong place.
Secondly, these kind of rewrites are a bit hard to do, but some of them are possible with "Setoids" and iff. You may be interested in the or_iff_compat_l
or_iff_compat_l : forall A B C : Prop, B <-> C -> A \/ B <-> A \/ C
Indeed, some libraries prefer to use the Boolean versions of /\
and \/
to improve rewriting.
And lastly, your goal is proved immediately if you destruct HL
Upvotes: 2