Reputation: 17954
Here is my attempt to change the legend of a barplot from rectangle to square:
import matplotlib.patches as patches
rect1 = patches.Rectangle((0,0),1,1,facecolor='#FF605E')
rect2 = patches.Rectangle((0,0),1,1,facecolor='#64B2DF')
plt.legend((rect1, rect2), ('2016', '2015'))
But when I plot this, I still see rectangles instead of squares:
Any suggestions on how can I do this?
I tried both solutions provided by @ImportanceOfBeingErnest and @furas, here are the results:
@ImportanceOfBeingErnest's solution is the easiest to do:
plt.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 1
plt.rcParams['legend.handleheight'] = 1.125
Here is the result:
My final code looks like this:
plt.legend((df.columns[1], df.columns[0]), handlelength=1, handleheight=1) # the df.columns = the legend text
@furas's solution produces this, I don't know why the texts are further away from the rectangles, but I am sure the gap can be changed somehow:
Upvotes: 8
Views: 8446
Reputation: 143055
It seems they change it long time ago - and now some elements can't be used directly in legend.
Now it needs handler
Implementing a custom legend handler
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerPatch
# --- handlers ---
class HandlerRect(HandlerPatch):
def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle,
xdescent, ydescent, width, height,
fontsize, trans):
x = width//2
y = 0
w = h = 10
# create
p = patches.Rectangle(xy=(x, y), width=w, height=h)
# update with data from oryginal object
self.update_prop(p, orig_handle, legend)
# move xy to legend
return [p]
class HandlerCircle(HandlerPatch):
def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle,
xdescent, ydescent, width, height,
fontsize, trans):
r = 5
x = r + width//2
y = height//2
# create
p = patches.Circle(xy=(x, y), radius=r)
# update with data from oryginal object
self.update_prop(p, orig_handle, legend)
# move xy to legend
return [p]
# --- main ---
rect = patches.Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, facecolor='#FF605E')
circ = patches.Circle((0,0), 1, facecolor='#64B2DF')
plt.legend((rect, circ), ('2016', '2015'),
patches.Rectangle: HandlerRect(),
patches.Circle: HandlerCircle(),
Legend reserves place for rectangle and this method doesn't change it so there is so many empty space.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 339660
Matplotlib provides the rcParams
legend.handlelength : 2. # the length of the legend lines in fraction of fontsize
legend.handleheight : 0.7 # the height of the legend handle in fraction of fontsize
You can set those within the call to plt.legend()
plt.legend(handlelength=1, handleheight=1)
or using the rcParams at the beginning of your script
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 1
matplotlib.rcParams['legend.handleheight'] = 1
Unfortunately providing equal handlelength=1, handleheight=1
will not give a perfect rectange. It seems handlelength=1, handleheight=1.125
will do the job, but this may depend on the font being used.
An alternative, if you want to use proxy artists may be to use the square markers from the plot/scatter methods.
bar1 = plt.plot([], marker="s", markersize=15, linestyle="", label="2015")
and supply it to the legend, legend(handles=[bar1])
. Using this approach needs to have set matplotlib.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1
, otherwise two markers would appear in the legend.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 1
plt.rcParams['legend.handleheight'] = 1.125
plt.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(5,2.5))
# Method 1: Set the handlesizes already in the rcParams
ax[0].set_title("Setting handlesize")
ax[0].bar([0,2], [6,3], width=0.7, color="#a30e73", label="2015", align="center")
ax[0].bar([1,3], [3,2], width=0.7, color="#0943a8", label="2016", align="center" )
# Method 2: use proxy markers. (Needs legend.numpoints to be 1)
ax[1].set_title("Proxy markers")
ax[1].bar([0,2], [6,3], width=0.7, color="#a30e73", align="center" )
ax[1].bar([1,3], [3,2], width=0.7, color="#0943a8", align="center" )
b1, =ax[1].plot([], marker="s", markersize=15, linestyle="", color="#a30e73", label="2015")
b2, =ax[1].plot([], marker="s", markersize=15, linestyle="", color="#0943a8", label="2016")
ax[1].legend(handles=[b1, b2])
[a.set_xticks([0,1,2,3]) for a in ax]
Upvotes: 8