Reputation: 49
I am trying to find how far the recursive function descends i.e the deepest level of recursion, in the following quick sort code, i have been told to edit the qsort function and would appreciate any help
def partition(lst, lo, hi):
part = lo
while lo < hi:
while lst[lo] <= lst[part] and lo < hi:
lo += 1
while lst[hi] > lst[part]: # Don't have to check for hi >= 0 cos part is there as a sentinel.
hi -= 1
if lo < hi:
# Swap the two entries
lst[hi], lst[lo] = lst[lo], lst[hi]
# Swap part into position
if lst[part] > lst[hi]: # (this may happen of the array is small (size 2))
lst[part], lst[hi] = lst[hi], lst[part]
return hi
def rec_qsort(lst, lo, hi):
if lo < hi:
pivot = partition(lst, lo, hi)
rec_qsort(lst, lo, pivot - 1)
rec_qsort(lst, pivot + 1, hi)
def qsort(lst):
rec_qsort(lst, 0, len(lst) - 1)
return lst
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Views: 390
Reputation: 5871
Pass depth as an optional parameter, default 0, to your implementation function rec_qsort. Add one when you recurse deeper.
def function(data, depth=0):
if len(data) > 1:
mid = len(data)/2
function(data[:mid], depth+1)
function(data[mid:], depth+1)
print "depth", depth, "length", len(data), data
data = range(10)
Obviously print at the beginning if you want to see the order of calls, print at the end if you want them in order by when they return. Add a watch instead of printing if you just want to see depth while debugging.
from user pjs: The maximum depth of quicksort, measured directly, can be anything between log(n) and n. The expected depth for randomized data or a randomly selected pivot is proportional to log(n)
Upvotes: 1