Reputation: 21
I'd like to have my code take code written in another document, read it, and then use it as though it was written in the code. Say we have the following:
MODULE samplemod
FUNCTION sillysum(boudary,function) RESULT(counter)
REAL(KIND=8) :: boundary, counter
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:) :: function
counter = 0.d0
DO m = 1, my_mesh%me
counter = function(m) + externalfunction
END MODULE samplemod
PROGRAM sampleprogram
USE samplemod
REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:) :: function1
DO m=1, 100
function1(i) = i
WRITE(*,*) sillysum(100,function1)
END PROGRAM sampleprogram
Where in some external file (say 'externfunct.txt') one has written m**2
. How can the Fortran code read the external function m**2
, SIN(m)
, or even 0
and have that replace externalfunction
. Here's a simpler example:
REAL(KIND=8) :: x = 2
CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: strng = "external"
WRITE(*,*) "Hello world, 2 + ", strng, " = ", 2 + external
Where in a txt file I have written I have written SIN(x)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 620
Reputation: 7395
I think there are two different approaches for this (* in fact, there seems a "third" approach also, see EDIT); one is to use a shared library, and the other is to use a parser for math expressions. The first approach is described in a Rossetastone page (Call a function in a shared library) and an SO page (Fortran dynamic libraries, load at runtime?), for example. For the second approach, you can find 3rd-party libraries by searching with "math parser" or "Fortran math parser" etc. Here, I have tried this one because it seems pretty simple (only one module and no installation). If we write a simple test program like this
program test
use interpreter, only: init, evaluate, dp => realkind
implicit none
integer, parameter :: mxvars = 10 !! consider 10 variables at most here
character(10) :: symbols( mxvars )
real(dp) :: values( mxvars ), answer
character(1000) :: funcstr !! a user-defined math expression
character(5) :: stat
!> Define variable names.
symbols( 1 ) = "x"
symbols( 2 ) = "a"
symbols( 3 ) = "b"
symbols( 4 ) = "c"
symbols( 5 ) = "foo"
!> Get a math expression.
print *, "Please input a math expression:"
read(*, "(a)") funcstr !! e.g., a * x + b
!> Init the evaluator.
call init( funcstr, symbols, stat )
if ( stat /= "ok" ) stop "stat /= ok"
!> Set values for the variables.
values( : ) = 0
values( 1 ) = 2.0_dp ! x
values( 2 ) = 10.0_dp ! a
values( 3 ) = 7.0_dp ! b
!> Evaluate.
answer = evaluate( values )
print *, "function value = ", answer
end program
and compile it as (*1)
$ gfortran -ffree-line-length-none interpreter.f90 mytest.f90
we can test various expressions as follows:
$ ./a.out
Please input a math expression:
a * x + b
function value = 27.000000000000000
$ ./a.out
Please input a math expression:
sin( a * x ) + cos( b ) + foo
function value = 1.6668475050709324
The usage of other libraries also seems very similar. Because the performance of each library may be rather different, it may be useful to try several different libraries for comparison.
(*1) The module has some lines with sind
, cosd
, and tand
, but they are not supported by gfortran. So, to compile, I have commented them out and replaced them by stop
, i.e.,
stop "sind not supported..."
! pdata(st) = sind(pdata(st))
(I guess sind(x)
means sin( x * pi / 180 )
, so it may be OK to define it as such.)
A "third" approach may be to call the built-in eval()
function in interpreted languages like Python or Julia via system()
, e.g., this SO page. Although this also has a lot of weak points (and it is probably much easier to use such languages directly), calling eval()
from Fortran might be useful for some specific purposes.
Upvotes: 1