
Reputation: 8261

How to set the zoom factor in D3.js v.4.x?

I have a svg where I have implemented zooming via D3.js. I am not satisfied with the zoom factor when using the mousewheel. How can I adjust the zoom factor?

I made a JSfiddle with an example of how I implemeted the zooming.

I thought I need something like this but it is wrong:


I am trying to make my problem a bit clearer:

I want to set a factor, that acts as the zoom factor for one mousewheel revolution. Illustration with pictures:

The SVG without zoom: Normal SVG

After one mousewheel revolution: After one mousewheel revolution.

What I would like to have after one mousewhell revolution: But I want some steps in between (like that)

I know how this worked in older versions of D3.js but can someone help me with the current version?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2434

Answers (1)

Steve Ladavich
Steve Ladavich

Reputation: 3562

You are very close in your JS Fiddle!

The crux of the issue here is that the scaling factor k is automatically updated when the event callback is called. The goal here is when we change from the previous k (old_k) to the new k, we need to scale the change, delta, and reapply it to get the new k value.

So the code changes to do this are as follows...

  1. keep track of the old k value

    var old_k = 1;
  2. calculate the delta k

    var delta = d3.event.transform.k - old_k
  3. update with transform with scaled delta!

    d3.event.transform.k = old_k + zoomFactor*delta
  4. reapply transform

    svg.attr("transform", d3.event.transform);
  5. save new k for the next event

    old_k = d3.event.transform.k

Play around with var zoomFactor = .7; to see that it works.

//movement and controls
var stepLR = 30;
var controller;
var speed = 0.007;

//pendulum vertical
var cx = 609, cy = 0;
var radius = 350; // cm
var g = 981; // cm/s^2
var angle = Math.PI/8; // radians
var vel = 0; // cm/s
var dx = 0.02; // s
var acc, vel, penx, peny;

//svg and d3.js
var sphere;
var string;
var string2;
var sphere2;

var start;

var old_k = 1;
var zoomFactor = .7;

$( document ).ready(function() {
  start = (new Date()).getTime(); //start time on page load

  var svg ="body")
            .attr("width", '100%')
            .attr("height", '600px')
            .call(d3.zoom().on("zoom", function () {
            var delta = d3.event.transform.k - old_k
            d3.event.transform.k = old_k + zoomFactor*delta
            svg.attr("transform", d3.event.transform);
            old_k = d3.event.transform.k

            var viewport = svg.append('g')

            var layer1 = viewport.append('g');
            var layer2 = viewport.append('g');

            sphere = layer2.append("circle")
                         .attr("cx", 30)
                         .attr("cy", 30)
                         .attr("r", 20)
                         .attr('fill', '#FF0000');

            string = layer1.append("rect")
                          .attr("x", 27)
                          .attr("y", 0)
                          .attr("width", 6)
                          .attr("height", 10);

            //The vertical pendulum
            sphere2 = layer2.append("circle")
                         .attr("cx", 609)
                         .attr("cy", 300)
                         .attr("r", 20)
                         .attr('fill', '#FF0000');

            string2 = layer1.append("line")
                        .attr("x1", 609.5)
                        .attr("y1", 0)
                        .attr("x2", 609.5)
                        .attr("y2", 310)
                        .attr("stroke-width", 4)
                        .attr("stroke", "black");

            var roof = layer1.append("rect")
                          .attr("x", -100000)
                          .attr("y", -60)
                          .attr("height", 55)
                          .attr("width", 200000)
                          .attr('fill', 'url(#diagonal-stripe-3)');
            var border = layer1.append("rect")
                          .attr("x", -100000)
                          .attr("y", -10)
                          .attr("height", 10)
                          .attr("width", 200000)
                          .attr('fill', '#000000');

    controller = setInterval(controller, 30);  //start controller

function controller(){

  //horizontal pendulum
  sphere.attr('cy', Math.sin(start-(new Date()).getTime()/400-(Math.PI/4))*310+350);
  string.attr('height', Math.sin(start-(new Date()).getTime()/400-(Math.PI/4))*310+337);
  string.attr('width', Math.sin((start-(new Date()).getTime()/400-(Math.PI/4))-Math.PI)*3+6);
  string.attr('x', Math.sin((start-(new Date()).getTime()/400-(Math.PI/4)))*1.5-3+stepLR);

  //vertical pendulum
  acc = g * Math.cos(angle) * dx;
				vel += acc * dx;
				angle += vel * dx;

  document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
    if([e.keyCode] == 37){
    if([e.keyCode] == 39){

function left(){
  sphere.attr('cx', stepLR);
  string.attr('x', stepLR);

function right(){
  sphere.attr('cx', stepLR);
  string.attr('x', stepLR);

function setPenPos(){
				penx = cx + radius * Math.cos(angle);
				peny = cy + radius * Math.sin(angle);
				string2.attr("x2", penx);
				string2.attr("y2", peny);
				sphere2.attr("cx", penx);
				sphere2.attr("cy", peny);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<svg height="10" width="10" xmlns="" version="1.1"> <defs> <pattern id="diagonal-stripe-3" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="10" height="10"> <image xlink:href="" x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"> </image> </pattern> </defs> </svg>

Upvotes: 3

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