
Reputation: 58430

Represent Nondeterministic Finite State Machine Simulator in Haskell

I am following "programming languages" on Udacity and trying to represent the problem sets in Haskell. The answers are written in Python:

edges = {(1,"a") : [2,3]
        ,(2,"a") : [2]
        ,(3,"b") : [3,4]
        ,(4,"c") : [5]}

accepting = [2,5]

def nfsmSim(string, current, edges, accepting):
    if string == "":
        return current in accepting
        letter = string[0]
        key = (current, letter)
        if key in edges:
            rest = string[1:]
            states = edges[key]
            for state in states:
                if nfsmSim(rest, state, edges, accepting):
                    return True
         return False

The starting state is always the first state i.e. current = 1.

Strings such as "aaa" or "abc" are accepted whilst "abb" or "aabc" or rejected.

My attempt at rewriting using Haskell:

nfsmSim [] c _  = [c]
nfsmSim xs c es = [concat $ nfsmSim (tail xs) s es | (k,ss) <- es, s <- ss, x <- xs, k==(c,x)]

I want to return a list of integers which represent the last state at the end of the input string and then filter these against the accepting states and use any to get a final True or False.

I realise this is not probably the Haskell way to do this and that there is probably a better wholemeal solution. However as a beginner I am struggling with mondadic mechanism and most likely the recursive nature of this problem.

Please point me in the right direction possibly using the do notation rather than the list comprehension.

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Views: 673

Answers (3)


Reputation: 105885

Let us think about the type first. Your Python function has the following type, more or less:

type State   = Int
type Map k v = [(k,v)]

nfsmSim :: String -> State -> Map (Int, Char) [State] -> [State] -> Bool
nfsmSim string current edges accepting = …

We can use pattern matching for the empty string case:

nfsmSim :: String -> State -> Map (Int, Char) [State] -> [State] -> Bool
nfsmSim "" current _ accepting = current `elem` accepting

For the non-empty case, we do the same as your Python code:

nfsmSim (x:xs) current edges accepting =
    let rest   = xs
        states = [s | (k,v) <- edges, k == (current,x), s <- v]
    in or [nfsmSim rest state edges accepting | state <- states]

However, that's not really easy to work with. Instead, let us write nfsmSim as higher order function and change the order of arguments:

nfsmSim :: (State -> Char -> [State])
        -> (State -> Bool)
        -> String
        -> State
        -> Bool

Now, instead of a list of edges, we have to provide a function that returns a (possible empty) list of states for a given state and character, and instead of a list of accepting states, we provide a function that returns True on those states.

For the empty string case, not too much changes:

nfsmSim advance accept "" current = accept current

We simply use our State -> Bool to check whether our current state is acceptable.

However, now that our State is the last parameter of nfsmSim, we can use currying to use your any approach:

nfsmSim advance accept (x:xs) current = 
    any (nfsmSim advance accept xs) (advance current x)

Note that it's kind of clunky to carry all arguments along. You would usually write a worker for that:

nfsmSim :: (a -> b -> [a]) -> (a -> Bool) -> [b] -> a -> Bool
nfsmSim advance accept string current = go string current
    go []     c = accept c
    go (x:xs) c = any (go xs) (advance c x)

By the way, you can still use "edges" and "accepting" with the last variant,

nfsmSimAccept string current edges accepting =
   let accept  c   = c `elem` accepting
       advance c x = [s | (k,v) <- edges, k == (c,x), s <- v]
   in nfsmSim advance accept string current

which shows that the higher order function is more flexible.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3790

First of all, as I know, no such thing as "Non Finite State Machine". Judging from what you wrote, I realized that it is about "Nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA)".

First variant.

nfa :: String -> Int -> [((Int, Char), [Int])] -> [Int] -> Bool
nfa       [] cur     _ acc = cur `elem` acc
nfa (c:rest) cur edges acc
    | Just states <- lookup (cur, c) edges = any (\state -> nfa rest state edges acc) states
    | otherwise                            = False

edges =
    [ ((1, 'a'), [2, 3])
    , ((2, 'a'), [2])
    , ((3, 'b'), [3, 4])
    , ((4, 'c'), [5])

accepting = [2, 5]

main = do
    print $ nfa "aaa" 1 edges accepting
    print $ nfa "abc" 1 edges accepting
    print $ nfa "abb" 1 edges accepting
    print $ nfa "aabc" 1 edges accepting

Output will be:


Second variant:

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe

nfa2 :: String -> Int -> [((Int, Char), [Int])] -> [Int] -> [Int]
nfa2       [] cur     _ acc = guard (cur `elem` acc) >> return cur
nfa2 (c:rest) cur edges acc = do
    state <- fromMaybe mzero $ lookup (cur, c) edges
    nfa2 rest state edges acc

edges =
    [ ((1, 'a'), [2, 3])
    , ((2, 'a'), [2])
    , ((3, 'b'), [3, 4])
    , ((4, 'c'), [5])

accepting = [2, 5]

main = do
    print $ nfa2 "aaa" 1 edges accepting
    print $ nfa2 "abc" 1 edges accepting
    print $ nfa2 "abb" 1 edges accepting
    print $ nfa2 "aabc" 1 edges accepting

Output will be:


Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 1282

Here's my Haskell-ish method:

We can use haskell's Data.Set and Data.Map libraries to represent our state machine.

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

Let's define some datatypes for our state machine:

type State = Int
type Edge = (State, Char)
type Machine = (M.Map Edge (S.Set State), S.Set State)

We define the machine thusly:

myMachine :: Machine
myMachine = (M.fromList
    [ ((1, 'a'), S.fromList [2, 3])
    , ((2, 'a'), S.fromList [2   ])
    , ((3, 'b'), S.fromList [3, 4])
    , ((4, 'c'), S.fromList [5   ])
    ] , S.fromList [2, 5])

we can run the machine like this:

runMachine :: String -> Machine -> State -> Bool
runMachine "" (_, acceptingStates) currentState =
    S.member currentState acceptingStates
runMachine (ch:rest) machine@(edges, _) currentState =
    case M.lookup (currentState, ch) edges of
        Nothing -> False
        Just nextStates ->
            or $ S.map (runMachine rest machine) nextStates

Since the function returns a Bool, there is no great reason to use a monad or do-notation. However such a solution is possible if we use the type Maybe () in place of Bool, where Just () represents True and Nothing represents False.

Upvotes: 2

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