Reputation: 275
I want to concatenate all .dat files in a specific directory (always different names) into one text file. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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Views: 3809
Reputation: 1
I thought the above example might be faster than my version below But on a 2 Mb audio file the above took 31 seconds cf 19 below and Len = 1 or 100 or 1000 made no difference. Maybe the DOS wheeze is faster. My files can be hour long @ 128Kb baud rate.
Do Until LenB(sdir) = 0
inFileNum = FreeFile
Open spath + sdir For Binary Access Read Lock Read As inFileNum Len = 1000
Do While Not EOF(inFileNum)
Get inFileNum, k, bytTemp
Put outFileNum, n, bytTemp
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Reputation: 91376
You can run dos under VBA:
Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oWSH.Run ("%comspec% /c copy c:\docs\conc\*.dat c:\docs\conc\onefile.txt")
You will need the /b switch if the files have a terminator and if the files do not end in a return, the lines will continue:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 61056
Sub a()
Dim spath As String
Dim intFileNum%, bytTemp As Byte
spath = "c:\kk\"
outFileNum = FreeFile
Open spath + "Outfile.out" For Binary Access Write As outFileNum
sdir = Dir$(spath & "*.dat", vbNormal)
Do Until LenB(sdir) = 0
inFileNum = FreeFile
Open spath + sdir For Binary Access Read Lock Read As inFileNum
Do While Not EOF(inFileNum)
Get inFileNum, , bytTemp
Put outFileNum, , bytTemp
Close inFileNum
sdir = Dir$
Close outFileNum
End Sub
The only trick is that the Dir$() has a weird iteration convention
Upvotes: 1