
Reputation: 8990

changing the tweet button's name?

i want to chnage the text on the tweet button, from tweet to tweet Now!

 <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="none">Tweet Now!</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

i tried to change on this script given to me by twitter, but it deosnt change! someone please help thanks

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Views: 2107

Answers (3)


Reputation: 946

Twitter don't allow you to do this with the tweet button, as per their guidelines:

Tweet button: The button should be displayed and labeled as "Tweet" if the content is being posted exclusively to Twitter, or "Update" if directing to other services in addition to Twitter.


However, you can create your own Tweet button, see which you can then style yourself. Try

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
  #custom-tweet-button a {
    display: block;
    padding: 2px 5px 2px 20px;
    background: url('') left center no-repeat;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
<div id="custom-tweet-button">
  <a href="" target="_blank">Tweet this</a>

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 388113

I have “pretty-printed” (by hand) the script; you might get an idea what to change there, if you want to emulate the function by yourself.

var twttr = window.twttr || {};
( function()
    if ( !twttr.widgets )
        twttr.widgets = {}

    if ( ! )
    { = "platform{i}"

    if ( typeof twttr.widgets.ignoreSSL === "undefined" )
        twttr.widgets.ignoreSSL = false

    function T ( X )
        var Z = M( X );
        var Y =;
        var W = Y.replace( "{i}", G++ );

        if ( G == 3 )
            G = 0

        return Z + "://" + W

    function M ( W )
        return ( window.location.protocol.match( /s\:$/ ) || W ) && !twttr.widgets.ignoreSSL ? "https" : "http"

    function S ( a )
        var X;
        for( var W in a )
            X = N.apply( this, W.split( "." ) );
            for( var Y = 0, Z; ( Z = X[Y] ); Y++ )
                new a[W](Z).render()

    function I ( b )
        var Y;
        var Z;
        var X = function ()
            if( document.readyState == "complete" )

        var W;
        var a = function()
                document.documentElement.doScroll( "left" );
            catch( c )

        if ( window.addEventListener )
            Y = function()
                if ( !Z )
                    Z = true;

                window.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", Y, false );
                window.removeEventListener( "load", Y, false )

            window.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", Y, false );
            window.addEventListener( "load", Y, false )
            if( window.attachEvent )
                W = window.setInterval( a, 13);
                Y = function()
                    if ( !Z )
                        Z = true;
                    window.clearInterval( W );
                    window.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", X );
                    window.detachEvent( "onload", Y )

                window.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", X );
                window.attachEvent( "onload", Y )

    function N ( W, a )
        var Z, b = [], X, Y;
            if ( document.querySelectorAll )
                b = document.querySelectorAll( W + "." + a )
                if ( document.getElementsByClassName )
                    Z = document.getElementsByClassName( a );
                    for ( X = 0; ( Y = Z[X] ); X++ )
                        if ( Y.tagName.toLowerCase() == W )
                            b.push( Y )
                    Z = document.getElementsByTagName( W );
                    var d = new RegExp( "\\b"+a+"\\b" );

                    for ( X=0; ( Y = Z[X] ); X++ )
                        if ( Y.className.match( d ) )
                            b.push( Y )
        catch ( c )

        return b

    function Q ( W )
        return encodeURIComponent( W ).replace( /\+/g,"%2B" )

    function D ( W )
        return decodeURIComponent( W )

    function J ( Y )
        var X = [];
        for ( var W in Y )
            if ( Y[W] !== null && typeof Y[W] !== "undefined" )
                X.push ( Q( W ) + "=" + Q( Y[W] ) )

        return X.sort().join( "&" )

    function P ( Z )
        var b = {}, Y, a, X, W;
        if ( Z )
            Y = Z.split( "&" );
            for ( W=0; ( X = Y[W] ); W++ )
                a = X.split( "=" );
                if ( a.length == 2 )
                    b[ D( a[0] ) ] = D( a[1] )

        return b

    function F ( X, Y )
        for( var W in Y )
            X[W] = Y[W]

        return X

    function R ( X )
        var W;
        if ( X.match( /^https?:\/\// ) )
            return X
            W =;
            if ( location.port.length > 0 )
                W += ":" + location.port
            return [ location.protocol, "//", W, X ].join( "" )

    function A ()
        var W = document.getElementsByTagName( "link" );
        for ( var X = 0, Y; ( Y = W[X] ); X++ )
            if ( Y.getAttribute( "rel" ) == "canonical" )
                return R( Y.getAttribute( "href" ) )
        return null

    function K( Y )
        var Z = [];
        for ( var X = 0, W = Y.length; X < W; X++ )
            Z.push( Y[X] )
        return Z

    function C()
        var X = document.getElementsByTagName( "a" ), d = document.getElementsByTagName( "link" );
        var W = /\bme\b/, Z = /^https?\:\/\/(www\.)?\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/, c = K(X).concat( K( d ) );
        var b, f, Y;

        for ( var a = 0, e; ( e = c[a] ); a++ )
            f = e.getAttribute( "rel" );
            Y = e.getAttribute( "href" );
            if ( f && Y && f.match( W ) && ( b = Y.match( Z ) ) )
                return b[2]

    var E = document.title, L = encodeURI( location.href ), G = 0;
    var U = {
        en: {
            vertical: [ 55, 62 ],
            horizontal: [ 110, 20 ],
            none: [ 55, 20 ] },
        it: {
            vertical: [ 55, 62 ],
            horizontal: [ 110, 20 ],
            none: [ 55, 20 ] },
        es: {
            vertical: [ 64, 62 ],
            horizontal: [ 110, 20 ],
            none: [ 64, 20 ] },
        ja: {
            vertical: [ 80, 62 ],
            horizontal: [ 130, 20 ],
            none: [ 80, 20 ] },
        de: {
            vertical: [ 67, 62 ],
            horizontal: [ 110, 20 ],
            none: [ 67, 20 ] },
        fr: {
            vertical: [ 65, 62 ],
            horizontal: [ 110, 20 ],
            none: [ 65, 20 ] } };
    var H = {
        en: 1,
        es: 1,
        ja: 1,
        fr: 1,
        de: 1,
        it: 1 };
    var B = {
        vertical: 1,
        horizontal: 1,
        none: 1 };
    var V = {
        en: "Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button",
        fr: 'Twitter pour votre site web : bouton "Tweeter"',
        de: "Twitter für Webseiten: Tweet-Schaltfläche",
        es: "Twitter para sitios web: Botón para Twittear",
        ja: "WEBサイトå‘ã‘Twitter: ツイートボタン",
        it: "Tweeter per i siti web: Bottone Tweet" };

    twttr.TweetButton = function( a )
        this.originElement = a;
        var X = a.href.split( "?" )[1], Z = X ? P( X ) : {};
        var W = Z.count || a.getAttribute( "data-count" ), Y = Z.lang || a.getAttribute( "data-lang" );
        this.text = Z.text || a.getAttribute( "data-text" ) || E;
        this.via = Z.via || a.getAttribute( "data-via" ) || C();
        this.url = Z.url || a.getAttribute( "data-url" ) || A() || L;
        this.statusID = Z.status_id || a.getAttribute( "data-status-id" );
        this.related = Z.related || a.getAttribute( "data-related" );
        this.counturl = Z.counturl || a.getAttribute( "data-counturl" );
        this.searchlink = Z.searchlink || a.getAttribute( "data-searchlink" );
        this.placeid = Z.placeid || a.getAttribute( "data-placeid" );

        if ( !B[W] )
            W = "horizontal"
        this.count = W;

        if ( !H[Y] )
            Y = "en"
        this.lang = Y

    F ( twttr.TweetButton.prototype, {
        parameters: function()
                var W;
                if ( this.statusID )
                    W = { status_id: this.statusID }
                    W = {
                        text: this.text,
                        url: this.url,
                        via: this.via,
                        related: this.related,
                        count: this.count,
                        lang: this.lang,
                        counturl: this.counturl,
                        searchlink: this.searchlink,
                        placeid: this.placeid }
                W._ = ( new Date() ).getTime();
                return J(W)
        render: function()
                if ( !twttr.TweetButton.fragment )
                    twttr.TweetButton.fragment = document.createElement( "div" );
                    twttr.TweetButton.fragment.innerHTML = '<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" tabindex="0" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-'+this.count+'"></iframe>'
                var X = twttr.TweetButton.fragment.firstChild.cloneNode( false );
                X.src = T() + "/widgets/tweet_button.html?" + this.parameters();
                var Y = U[this.lang][this.count];
       = Y[0] + "px";
       = Y[1] + "px";
                X.title = V[this.lang];
                var W = this.originElement.parentNode;

                if ( W )
                    W.replaceChild( X, this.originElement )
            } } );

    var O = { "a.twitter-share-button": twttr.TweetButton };
    S( O );
    I( function()
        } )
} () );

Upvotes: 1

Fernando Barrocal
Fernando Barrocal

Reputation: 13192

The widget.js script is probably changing it to tweet. If not something else.

I would suggest you create another script, that verifies onReadyState and after everything is done you change the text to your preference.

Just give the tag an id and change the innerHTML property on that id!

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