Reputation: 439
I have an SQL query where I want to use like operator to select a column based on a string comparison using the LIKE operator.
The column value will have multiple machines associated with them, eg. M1,M2,M3,M15
If I use a single machine name in the LIKE operator, eg. 'where machineId like %M1%' will that return that column?
The same column should be returned if I send machine name as M2 or M3 or M15 in LIKE operator.
Replace(convert(varchar, SC.ConsumptionDate,106), ' ', '-')[Consumed Date],
sm.Spare_name[Spare Name],
sm.SPart_No[Part Number],
lm.Location_Name[Location Name],
SC.UserId[User ID]
from Spare_Consumption SC
inner Join Spare_master sm on SC.SpareId = sm.Spare_Id
inner join Location_Master_Detail lm on SC.LocationId = lm.Location_Id
inner join UOM_Master um on sm.UOM = um.UOM_ID
where SC.ConsumptionDate >= Replace(CONVERT(varchar, cast(@StartDate as date), 106), ' ', '-')
and SC.MachineId like '%' + @SpareID + '%'
and SC.ConsumptionDate < Replace(CONVERT(varchar, Dateadd(dd, 1, cast(@EndDate as date)), 106), ' ', '-')
and SC.LocationId = @LocationId
Upvotes: 1
Views: 103
Reputation: 44971
',' + SC.MachineId + ',' like '%,' + @SpareID + ',%'
Upvotes: 1