Reputation: 97
I have a python program to read two lists (one with errors and other with correct data). Every element in my list with error needs to be compared with every element in my correct list. After comparing i get all the edit distance between every compared pair. now i can find the least edit distance for the given error data and thru get my correct data.
I am trying to use levenshtein distance to calculate the edit distance but its returning all edit distance as 1 even which is wrong.
This means the code for calculating levenshtein distance is not correct. I am struggling to find a fix for this. HELP!
My Code
import csv
def lev(a, b):
if not a: return len(b)
if not b: return len(a)
return min(lev(a[1:], b[1:])+(a[0] != b[0]), lev(a[1:], b)+1, lev(a, b[1:])+1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("all_correct_promo.csv","rb") as file1:
reader1 = csv.reader(file1)
correctPromoList = list(reader1)
#print correctPromoList
with open("all_extracted_promo.csv","rb") as file2:
reader2 = csv.reader(file2)
extractedPromoList = list(reader2)
#print extractedPromoList
incorrectPromo = []
count = 0
for extracted in extractedPromoList:
if(extracted not in correctPromoList):
count = count + 1
#print incorrectPromo
for promos in incorrectPromo:
for correctPromo in correctPromoList:
distance = lev(promos,correctPromo)
print promos, correctPromo , distance
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Views: 1498
Reputation: 563
The implementation is correct. I tested this:
def lev(a, b):
if not a: return len(b)
if not b: return len(a)
return min(lev(a[1:], b[1:])+(a[0] != b[0]), lev(a[1:], b)+1, lev(a, b[1:])+1)
print lev('abcde','bc') # prints 3, which is correct
print lev('abc','bc') # prints 1, which is correct
Your problem, as I noticed by your comments, is probably when you call the method:
a = ['NSP-212690']
b = ['FE SV X']
print lev(a,b) # prints 1 which is incorrect because you are comparing arrays, not strings
print lev(a[0],b[0]) # prints 10, which is correct
So, what you can do is:
Before the call to "lev(a,b)", extract the first element of each array
def lev(a, b):
if not a: return len(b)
if not b: return len(a)
return min(lev(a[1:], b[1:])+(a[0] != b[0]), lev(a[1:], b)+1, lev(a, b[1:])+1)
a = ['NSP-212690']
b = ['FE SV X']
a = a[0] # this is the key part
b = b[0] # and this
print lev(a,b) # prints 10, which is correct
Anyway, I would not recommend you that recursive implementation, because the performance is veeeery poor
I would recommend this implementation instead (source: wikipedia-levenshtein)
def lev(seq1, seq2):
oneago = None
thisrow = range(1, len(seq2) + 1) + [0]
for x in xrange(len(seq1)):
twoago, oneago, thisrow = oneago, thisrow, [0] * len(seq2) + [x + 1]
for y in xrange(len(seq2)):
delcost = oneago[y] + 1
addcost = thisrow[y - 1] + 1
subcost = oneago[y - 1] + (seq1[x] != seq2[y])
thisrow[y] = min(delcost, addcost, subcost)
return thisrow[len(seq2) - 1]
or maybe this slightly modified version:
def lev(seq1, seq2):
if not a: return len(b)
if not b: return len(a)
oneago = None
thisrow = range(1, len(seq2) + 1) + [0]
for x in xrange(len(seq1)):
twoago, oneago, thisrow = oneago, thisrow, [0] * len(seq2) + [x + 1]
for y in xrange(len(seq2)):
delcost = oneago[y] + 1
addcost = thisrow[y - 1] + 1
subcost = oneago[y - 1] + (seq1[x] != seq2[y])
thisrow[y] = min(delcost, addcost, subcost)
return thisrow[len(seq2) - 1]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17526
There is a Python package available that implements the levenshtein distance : python-levenshtein
To install it:
pip install python-levenshtein
To use it:
>>> import Levenshtein
>>> string1 = 'dsfjksdjs'
>>> string2 = 'dsfiksjsd'
>>> print Levenshtein.distance(string1, string2)
Upvotes: 1