Reputation: 2680
i have the following problem, maybe you can help out:
The text i want to match is like this :
Data Generated using Turbine's method
more Stuff
Full speed : 0.87
Data generated using My method
more stuff
Full speed : 0.96
Data Generated using Turbine's method
more Stuff
Full speed : 0.83
Data generated using My method
more stuff
Full speed : 0.94
I want to match the lines containing full speed and output them into a table like this:
Turbine's My
0.87 0.96
0.83 0.94
so i can compare the two methods. However i have trouble getting awk to match my current regex which is:
/Data Generated using Turbine's method.*Full speed/
/Data Generated using My method.*Full speed/
What is my problem exactly? Why doesn't awk match this?
thanks for the advice
Upvotes: 4
Views: 256
Reputation: 247042
I'd use Perl:
perl -ne '
if (/(\S+) method/) {$method = $1}
if (/Full speed : ([\d.]+)/) {push @{$speeds{$method}}, $1}
@keys = keys %speeds;
print join("\t", @keys), "\n";
$max = 0;
for $v (values %speeds) {
$len = scalar @$v;
$max = $len if $len > $max;
for $i (0 .. $max-1) {
for $k (@keys) {print $speeds{$k}[$i], "\t"};
print "\n";
' speed.txt
which outputs
My Turbine's
0.96 0.87
0.94 0.83
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Reputation: 490408
A single RE in AWK only attempts to match against a single line. You seem to want a range pattern, something like: /^Data Generated/, /^Full Speed.*$/
Edit: getting exactly the format you've asked for is relatively difficult. If you don't mind turning it sideways, so to speak, so each set is on a line instead of in a column, it becomes rather simpler:
/^Data/ { name = $4; }
/^Full/ { speeds[name] = speeds[name] " " $4; }
for (i in speeds)
printf("%10s : %s\n", i, speeds[i]);
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 360405
Try this:
awk -F: 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"; print "Turbine\047s" OFS "My"} /Turbine/ {tflag=1; mflag=0} /My/ {mflag=1; tflag=0} /Full speed/ {if (tflag) {T=$2; tflag=0}; if (mflag) { print T OFS OFS $2; mflag=0}}' inputfile
On separate lines:
awk -F: 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"; print "Turbine\047s" OFS "My"}
/Turbine/ {tflag=1; mflag=0}
/My/ {mflag=1; tflag=0}
/Full speed/ {
if (tflag) {T=$2; tflag=0};
if (mflag) { print T OFS OFS $2; mflag=0}}' inputfile
Or a slightly simpler version:
awk -F: '/Turbine/, /^Full speed/ {if ($0 ~ /Full/) T=$2}
/My/, /^Full speed/ {if ($0 ~ /Full/) print T, $2}'
Upvotes: 2