Reputation: 7994
I'm aware that Oracle does not have a boolean type to use for parameters, and am currently taking in a NUMBER type which would have 1/0 for True/False (instead of the 'Y'/'N' CHAR(1) approach).
I'm not a very advanced Oracle programmer, but after doing some digging and reading some ASKTOM posts, it seems like you can restrict a field using a format for the column like:
MyBool NUMBER(1) CHECK (MyBool IN (0,1))
Is there a way to apply the same sort of a check constraint to an input parameter to a stored procedure? I'd like to restrict the possible inputs to 0 or 1, rather than checking for it explicitly after receiving the input.
Upvotes: 15
Views: 43129
Reputation: 35401
Yes and no. You can do..
create or replace package t_bool is
subtype t_bool_num IS PLS_INTEGER RANGE 0..1;
function f_test (i_bool_num t_bool_num) return varchar2;
end t_bool;
create or replace package body t_bool is
function f_test (i_bool_num t_bool_num) return varchar2 is
if i_bool_num = 0 then
return 'false';
elsif i_bool_num = 1 then
return 'true';
elsif i_bool_num is null then
return 'null';
return to_char(i_bool_num);
end if;
end t_bool;
The good news is that, if you do
exec dbms_output.put_line(t_bool.f_test(5));
it reports an error.
The bad news is that if you do
select t_bool.f_test(5) from dual;
then you don't get an error
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 132750
You can use Booleans as parameters to stored procedures:
procedure p (p_bool in boolean) is...
However you cannot use Booleans in SQL, e.g. select statements:
select my_function(TRUE) from dual; -- NOT allowed
For a number parameter there is no way to declaratively add a "check constraint" to it, you would have to code some validation e.g.
procedure p (p_num in number) is
if p_num not in (0,1) then
raise_application_error(-20001,'p_num out of range');
end if;
Upvotes: 34