Reputation: 621
I'm working on a JPA + Playframework 2.5.x project which I package it as Docker image.
I want to forcibly add all the files except one file (META-INF/persistence.xml) under conf
folder to docker output
Currently I have done the following:
mappings in Docker += file("conf/base/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/base/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/base/default-client.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/base/default-client.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/prod/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/prod/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/prod/logback.xml") -> "opt/docker/conf/prod/logback.xml"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/stage/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/stage/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/stage/logback.xml") -> "opt/docker/conf/stage/logback.xml"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/local/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/local/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/local/logback.xml") -> "opt/docker/conf/local/logback.xml"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/routes") -> "opt/docker/conf/routes"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/") -> "opt/docker/conf/"
I am sure this is not the best way to achieve this. Can anybody suggest better option to customize the Docker output the way I need it ?
My build.sbt file:
PlayKeys.externalizeResources := false
name := """wp-pw-ng"""
version := "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val `wp-pw-ng` = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava, JavaAppPackaging)
val playVer = "2.5.9"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.hibernate" % "hibernate-core" % "5.2.3.Final" exclude("dom4j", "dom4j"),
"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "6.0.5",
"dom4j" % "dom4j" % "1.6",
"" % "guava" % "20.0-rc1",
"com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk" % "1.11.34"
val docDeps = Seq(
"io.swagger" %% "swagger-play2" % ""
libraryDependencies ++= docDeps
fork in Test := true
javaOptions in Test ++= Seq(
fork in run := false
unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile <+= (sourceDirectory in Compile) (_ / "resources")
mappings in Docker += file("conf/base/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/base/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/base/default-client.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/base/default-client.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/base/pw.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/base/paywall.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/prod/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/prod/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/prod/logback.xml") -> "opt/docker/conf/prod/logback.xml"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/stage/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/stage/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/stage/logback.xml") -> "opt/docker/conf/stage/logback.xml"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/local/application.conf") -> "opt/docker/conf/local/application.conf"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/local/logback.xml") -> "opt/docker/conf/local/logback.xml"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/routes") -> "opt/docker/conf/routes"
mappings in Docker += file("conf/") -> "opt/docker/conf/"
// Custom Docker Build,
// use command 'activator docker:publishLocal'
// to publish image locally to computer.
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker._
val playUser = "play"
val grp = "idud"
dockerRepository := Some("")
version in Docker := "latest"
val buildEnv: String = System.getProperty("build.env")
dockerCommands := Seq(
Cmd("FROM", "anapsix/alpine-java:8_jdk_unlimited"),
Cmd("RUN", "apk", "-Uuv add", "--no-cache", "su-exec", "groff", "less", "python", "py-pip", "&& pip install awscli ", "&& apk --purge -v del py-pip ", " && rm /var/cache/apk/* "),
Cmd("RUN", s"addgroup $grp"),
Cmd("RUN", s"adduser -s /bin/bash -D -G $grp $playUser"),
Cmd("RUN", "echo", s"'$playUser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'", ">> /etc/sudoers"),
Cmd("WORKDIR", "/opt/docker"),
Cmd("ADD", "opt /opt"),
Cmd("RUN", "chown", "-R", s"$playUser:$grp", "."),
Cmd("USER", s"$playUser"),
Cmd("ENTRYPOINT", "[\"bin/wp-pw-ng\", \"-Dconfig.file=conf/" + buildEnv + "/application.conf\", \"-Dhttp.port=7000\" , \"-Dpidfile.path=/dev/null\" ,\"-Dlogger.file=conf/" + buildEnv + "/logback.xml\"]"),
Cmd("EXPOSE", "9877")
Additional Info
I had to resort to this work-around due to issue in build stage
mode issue with Playframework, Issue 4590 and I had to use PlayKeys.externalizeResources := false
flag in my build.sbt
file. This would remove all files from conf
folder in Docker.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1698
Reputation: 11
Simply add the files that you want to be mapped inside a universal/conf
directory. As a result of this, when you're creating the docker image the files get added to the /opt/docker/conf
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3641
The playExternalizeResources:= false
setting just prevents sbtfrom adding the playExternalizedResources to your mappings in Universal
, which are the mappings available for all target package formats including docker.
Your build sbt can be lightenend with the MappingsHelper ( ScalaDocs )
import NativePackagerHelper._
mappings in Universal ++= contentOf("conf")
You can also filter the mappings to remove the unwanted files, e.g
import NativePackagerHelper._
mappings in Universal ++= contentOf("conf").filter(_.2.contains("persistence.xml")
Hope that helps, Muki
Upvotes: 2