Reputation: 879
I am using $lookup for joining different collections in mongoDB. Now i am facing a problem here suppose i have 3 collections given below.
"_id": ObjectId("5834ecf7432d92675bde9d83"),
"mobile_no": "7941750156"
"movies" : ["dallas00", "titanic00", "green_mile00"]
"_id" : ObjectId("4834eff7412d9267556d9d52"),
"movie_name" : "Dallas Buyer's Club",
"movie_id": "dallas00",
"active": 0
"_id": ObjectId("1264eff7412d92675567h576"),
"movie_id" : "dallas00",
"comment": "what a great movie.",
"time_posted": "1480516635131"
"_id": ObjectId("1264eff7412d92675567h578"),
"movie_id" : "dallas00",
"comment": "awesome movie.",
"time_posted": "1480516635141"
"_id": ObjectId("1264eff7412d92675567h567"),
"movie_id" : "titanic00",
"comment": "titanic awesome movie.",
"time_posted": "1480516635132"
"_id": ObjectId("1264eff7412d92675567h579"),
"movie_id" : "green_mile00",
"comment": "Tom hanks did awesome movie.",
"time_posted": "1480516635133"
User Movies is a collection where i am storing user liked movies, Movies is a collection where i am storing all details about the movie and movie_comments is the collection where i am storing comments associated to the movie.
Now i want to write a query where i am going to show users the list of their movies they have liked but all movies must have "active" : 1
, and also the comments associated to that particular movie. Now i tried to use $lookup
my code is given below.
{$match : {mobile_no : mobile_no}},
{ "$unwind": "$movies" },
{$lookup: {from: "movies",localField: "movies",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "bmarks"}},
{$unwind : "$bmarks"},
{$match : {"": 1}},
{ $group : { _id : "$_id", movies : {$push : "$bmarks"}, movie_ids: {$push : "$bmarks.movie_id"}}},
{$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}},
{$unwind : "$comments"},
{$sort: {time_posted: -1}},
{$group: {_id: '$_id', comments : {$push : "$comments"}}},
I am trying to write a single query for doing all this functionality and i am able to perform join on first two collections that is user_movies and movies but i am not able to perform lookup on third collection in the same query. What i want is to send output array of my first lookup which is movie_ids and send it to next lookup with movie_comments. So that i can have all comments associated with the movie i have in my movie_ids
Now can anyone please tell me why i am not getting any output, can i use lookup like i am using it second time (which is using localfield
as a $group
field) or not than how can i perform this functionality in a one single query.
Update- Now there is only one thing left, i want to get results in a sorted manner such that movies will be sorted like they appear in "user_movies" array(according to their position in array) and their corresponding comments will sorted according to 'timeposted' in decreasing order.
So for above documents i want my output to be like
"movie_id": "dallas00" // dallas00 is first because it appear first in "user_movies" movies array.
"movie_name": "Dallas Buyer's Club",
"comments": ["what a great movie.","awesome movie."]
"movie_id": "titanic00" // titanic00 is second because it appear second in "user_movies" movies array.
"movie_name": "Titanic",
"comments": ["titanic awesome movie."]
"movie_id": "green_mile00" // green_mile00 is third because it appear third in "user_movies" movies array.
"movie_name": "Green mile",
"comments": ["Tom hanks did awesome movie."]
Ok One Last thing if can get position of movies array string which is matched when i perform first lookup then i can sort according to weight which i will give(more weight to previous position and so on). So now what i will do is {{$sort: { 'movie_weight': -1, 'time_posted': -1}}
. Now i will get my results sorted such that movies will be sorted according to their position in array "user_movies"
array and comments will be sorted according to "time_posted"
corresponding to their movies.
Updated code
{$match : {mobile_no : mobile_no}},
{$unwind: { path: "$movies", includeArrayIndex: "movieposition"}},
{$lookup: {from: "movies",localField: "movies",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "bmarks"}},
{$unwind : "$bmarks"},
{$match : {"": 1}},
{$group : { "_id" : "$bmarks.movie_id", movie_names : {$push : "$bmarks.movie_name"}, movie_ids: {$push : "$bmarks.movie_id"}, movie_position: {$push : "$movieposition"}}},
{$unwind : "$movie_ids"},
{$unwind : "$movie_names"},
{$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "movie_ids", foreignField: "movie_id", as: "comments"}},
{$unwind : "$comments"},
{$sort: { 'movie_position': -1, 'comments.time_posted': -1 }},
{$group: {_id: { movie_id: '$comments.movie_id', movie_name: '$movie_names' }, cmnts_ids: {$push: '$comments._id'}}},
{$project: {_id: 0, movie_id: '$_id.movie_id', movie_name: '$_id.movie_name', tot_cmnts: {"$size" : "$cmnts_ids"}, top_cmnts_ids: {$slice: ['$cmnts_ids', 0, 4]}}}},
{$skip: page*page_size},
{$limit: page_size}, */
Upvotes: 2
Views: 8061
Reputation: 75934
Okay, looks like you've bunch of problems. I'll try to sum them up.
Problem 1 : the aggregate code you've provided doesnt compile.
{$match : {mobile_no : mobile_no}},
{$unwind: "$movies" },
{$lookup: {from: "movies",localField: "movies",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "bmarks"}},
{$unwind : "$bmarks"},
{$match : {"": 1}},
{$group : { _id : "$_id", movies : {$push : "$bmarks"}, movie_ids: {$push : "$bmarks.movie_id"}}},
{$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}},
{$unwind : "$comments"},
{$sort: {time_posted: -1}},
{$group: {_id: '$_id', comments : {$push : "$comments"}}},
{$match : {mobile_no : mobile_no}},
{$unwind: "$movies" },
{$lookup: {from: "movies",localField: "movies",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "bmarks"}},
{$unwind : "$bmarks"},
{$match : {"": 1}},
{$group : { _id : "$_id", movies : {$push : "$bmarks"}, movie_ids: {$push : "$bmarks.movie_id"}}},
{$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}},
{$unwind : "$comments"},
{$sort: {time_posted: -1}},
{$group: {_id: '$_id', comments : {$push : "$comments"}}}])
Now assume you're using the same data you have provided.
Problem 2 : {$match : {"": 1}}
doesnt match any entry.
Fix : {$match : {"": 0}}
Problem 3 : No look up field defined {$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}}
Fix : {$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "movie_ids",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}}
Problem 4 : No unwind stage for movie_ids for previous look up
Fix : {$unwind : "$movie_ids"}
Problem 5 : No time posted field {$sort: {time_posted: -1}}
Fix : include field before sorting
So, to put everything together you need aggregate to look like something below for extracting the comments for each movie.
{$match : {mobile_no : mobile_no}},
{$unwind: "$movies"},
{$lookup: {from: "movies",localField: "movies",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "bmarks"}},
{$unwind : "$bmarks"},
{$match : {"": 0}},
{$group : { _id : "$_id", movies : {$push : "$bmarks"}, movie_ids: {$push : "$bmarks.movie_id"}}},
{$unwind : "$movie_ids"},
{$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "movie_ids",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}},
{$unwind : "$comments"},
{$group: {_id: '$_id', comments : {$push : "$comments"}}}])
Sample Output
"_id": ObjectId("5834ecf7432d92675bde9d83"),
"comments": [{
"_id": ObjectId("583d96d7e35f6e9c53c9e894"),
"movie_id": "dallas00",
"comment": "what a great movie."
}, {
"_id": ObjectId("583d96d7e35f6e9c53c9e895"),
"movie_id": "dallas00",
"comment": "awesome movie."
{$match : {mobile_no : mobile_no}},
{$unwind: {path: "$movies", includeArrayIndex: "moviePosition"}},
{$sort : {moviePosition:1}},
{$lookup: {from: "movies",localField: "movies",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "bmarks"}},
{$unwind :"$bmarks"},
{$group : {_id : "$_id", movies : {$push : {movie_name:"$bmarks.movie_name", movie_id:"$bmarks.movie_id"} }}},
{$unwind : "$movies"},
{$lookup: {from: "movie_comments", localField: "movies.movie_id",foreignField: "movie_id",as: "comments"}},
{$unwind : "$comments"},
{$group: {_id: "$movies.movie_id", movie_name: {$first:"$movies.movie_name"}, comments : {$push : {comment:"$comments.comment", time_posted:"$comments.time_posted"}}}},
{$sort : {time_posted:-1}},
{$project:{_id:0, movie_id:"$_id", movie_name:1, comments: "$comments.comment"}}
Upvotes: 7