
Reputation: 883

Is it possible to write this function in Haskell?

I'm learning dependent types: In Haskell I have defined the canonical type

data Vec ∷ Type → Nat → Type where
  Nil  ∷ Vec a Z
  (:-) ∷ a → Vec a n → Vec a (S n)

and implemented most of the functions from Data.List however I don't know how to write, if possible at all, functions like

delete ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → Vec a n → Vec a (??)

since the length of the result is not known. I have found it in Agda and it's implemented this way

delete : {A : Set}{n : Nat}(x : A)(xs : Vec A (suc n)) → x ∈ xs → Vec A n
delete           .x (x ∷ xs)  hd    = xs
delete {A}{zero } _  ._      (tl ())
delete {A}{suc _} y (x ∷ xs) (tl p) = x ∷ delete y xs p

If I understand correctly delete it's defined with the constrain of x being an element of xs, in that case you just remove x and subtract 1 from the length. Can I write something like this in Haskell?

Upvotes: 7

Views: 299

Answers (1)


Reputation: 12735

The problem is that you need a dependent quantifier which Haskell currently lacks. I.e. the (x : A)(xs : Vec A (suc n)) → ... part is not directly expressible. You can probably cook up something using singletons, but it'll be really ugly and complicated.

I would just define

delete ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → Vec a (S n) → Maybe (Vec a n)

and be fine with it. I'd also change the order of arguments to Vec to make it possible to provide Applicative, Traversable and other instances.

Actually, no. In order to define delete you just need to provide an index at which to delete:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds #-}

data Nat = Z | S Nat

data Index n where
  IZ :: Index n
  IS :: Index n -> Index (S n)

data Vec n a where
  Nil  :: Vec Z a
  (:-) :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a

delete :: Index n -> Vec (S n) a -> Vec n a
delete  IZ    (x :-  xs)       = xs
delete (IS n) (x :- (y :- xs)) = x :- delete n (y :- xs)

Note that x ∈ xs is nothing more than a richly typed index.

Here is a solution with singletons:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, PolyKinds, KindSignatures, UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies, RankNTypes, TypeOperators #-}

infixr 5 :-

data Nat = Z | S Nat

data family Sing (x :: a)

data instance Sing (b :: Bool) where
  STrue  :: Sing True
  SFalse :: Sing False

data instance Sing (n :: Nat) where
  SZ :: Sing Z
  SS :: Sing n -> Sing (S n)

type family (:==) (x :: a) (y :: a) :: Bool

class SEq a where
  (===) :: forall (x :: a) (y :: a). Sing x -> Sing y -> Sing (x :== y)

type instance Z   :== Z   = True
type instance S n :== Z   = False
type instance Z   :== S m = False
type instance S n :== S m = n :== m

instance SEq Nat where
  SZ   === SZ   = STrue
  SS n === SZ   = SFalse
  SZ   === SS m = SFalse
  SS n === SS m = n === m

data Vec xs a where
  Nil  :: Vec '[] a
  (:-) :: Sing x -> Vec xs a -> Vec (x ': xs) a

type family If b x y where
  If True  x y = x
  If False x y = y

type family Delete x xs where
  Delete x  '[]      = '[]
  Delete x (y ': xs) = If (x :== y) xs (y ': Delete x xs)

delete :: forall (x :: a) xs. SEq a => Sing x -> Vec xs a -> Vec (Delete x xs) a
delete x  Nil      = Nil
delete x (y :- xs) = case x === y of
  STrue  -> xs
  SFalse -> y :- delete x xs

test :: Vec '[S Z, S (S (S Z)), Z] Nat
test = delete (SS (SS SZ)) (SS SZ :- SS (SS (SS SZ)) :- SS (SS SZ) :- SZ :- Nil)

Here we index Vecs by lists of their elements and store singletons as elements of vectors. We also define SEq which is a type class that contains a method that receives two singletons and returns either a proof of equality of values they promote or their inequality. Next we define a type family Delete that is like usual delete for lists, but at the type level. Finally in the actual delete we pattern match on x === y and thus reveal whether x is equal to y or not, which makes the type family compute.

Upvotes: 4

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