

DataFrame Transformation | A Better Way?

The way I went about to transform my DataFrame to add columns that are derived from existing data seemed pretty painful. At first, I considered using apply, but I realized that these additional columns hinged on certain aspects of my original DataFrame (e.g. the MMR information was unique to the "ReplayID" and whether the team won or not as found in "Is Winner"). I found a way forward, but I'm wondering if there was a more efficient way to go about it. The DataFrames are below and my code below those:

Before Transformation

Before Transformation

After Transformation

After Transformation

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv('small.csv', index_col=False)
del df['Unnamed: 0']

replayGroup = df['MMR Before'].groupby([df['ReplayID'], df['Is Winner']])
summaryReplayGroup = replayGroup.agg([np.max, np.mean, np.min, np.std])

# i[0] -> Index
# i[1] -> ReplayID
# i[2] -> Is Auto Select
# i[3] -> HeroID
# i[4] -> Hero Level
# i[5] -> Is Winner
# i[6] -> MMR Before
maxMMR = []
meanMMR = []
minMMR = []
stdMMR = []

for i in df.itertuples():
    key = (i[1], i[5])

df['Max Team MMR'] = maxMMR
df['Mean Team MMR'] = meanMMR
df['Min Team MMR'] = minMMR
df['Std Team MMR'] = stdMMR

# Negative diff indicates disadvantage
maxDiffMMR = []
meanDiffMMR = []
minDiffMMR = []
stdDiffMMR = []

# i[0] -> Index
# i[1] -> ReplayID
# i[2] -> Is Auto Select
# i[3] -> HeroID
# i[4] -> Hero Level
# i[5] -> Is Winner
# i[6] -> MMR Before
# i[7] -> Max Team MMR
# i[8] -> Mean Team MMR
# i[9] -> Min Team MMR
# i[10] -> Std Team MMR
for i in df.itertuples():
    if i[5]:
        opposite = 0
        opposite = 1

    replayId = i[1]

    oppTeamMaxMMR = df.loc[df['ReplayID'] == replayId].loc[df['Is Winner'] == opposite]['Max Team MMR'].mean()
    teamMaxMMR = i[7]
    diffMaxMMR = teamMaxMMR - oppTeamMaxMMR
    oppTeamMeanMMR = df.loc[df['ReplayID'] == replayId].loc[df['Is Winner'] == opposite]['Mean Team MMR'].mean()
    teamMeanMMR = i[8]
    diffMeanMMR = teamMeanMMR - oppTeamMeanMMR
    oppTeamMinMMR = df.loc[df['ReplayID'] == replayId].loc[df['Is Winner'] == opposite]['Min Team MMR'].mean()
    teamMinMMR = i[8]
    diffMinMMR = teamMinMMR - oppTeamMinMMR
    oppTeamStdMMR = df.loc[df['ReplayID'] == replayId].loc[df['Is Winner'] == opposite]['Std Team MMR'].mean()
    teamStdMMR = i[9]
    diffStdMMR = teamStdMMR - oppTeamStdMMR


df['Diff Max MMR'] = maxDiffMMR
df['Diff Mean MMR'] = meanDiffMMR
df['Diff Min MMR'] = minDiffMMR
df['Diff Std MMR'] = stdDiffMMR

Thanks for taking the time to look!

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Answers (1)


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df3 is your final dataframe

funcs = {
    'Max Team MMR': 'max',
    'Mean Team MMR': 'mean',
    'Min Team MMR': 'min',
    'Std Team MMR': 'std'

idx_cols = ['ReplayID', 'Is Winner']
val_col = 'MMR Before'

df1 = df.set_index(idx_cols)
summaryReplayGroup = df1[val_col].groupby(level=idx_cols).agg(funcs)

df2 = df1.join(summaryReplayGroup)

diffs = summaryReplayGroup.unstack(idx_cols[0]).diff().dropna().squeeze().unstack(0)
diffs.columns = diffs.columns.str.replace(r'(.+) Team', r'Diff \1')
diffs = pd.concat([diffs, -diffs], keys=[1, 0])

df3 = df2.reset_index().join(diffs, on=idx_cols[::-1])


enter image description here

for others to try

df = pd.DataFrame([
        [57010496, 0, 36,  9, 0, 2589],
        [57010496, 0, 20,  9, 1, 2354],
        [57010496, 0, 14,  6, 1, 2314],
        [57010496, 0, 12, 10, 0, 2288],
        [57010496, 0, 39, 10, 0, 2486],
        [57010496, 0, 19, 10, 1, 2292],
        [57010496, 0, 27,  9, 1, 2385],
        [57010496, 0, 11,  7, 0, 2183],
        [57010496, 0, 24,  9, 1, 2471],
        [57010496, 0, 35,  3, 0, 2166],
        [57010518, 0, 22,  4, 0, 2582],
        [57010518, 0, 29,  6, 1, 2470],
        [57010518, 0, 36,  8, 1, 2590],
        [57010518, 0, 31,  9, 1, 2313],
        [57010518, 0, 19,  8, 1, 2159],
        [57010518, 0, 13,  7, 0, 1996],
        [57010518, 0,  7,  6, 1, 2441],
        [57010518, 0, 21,  7, 0, 2220],
        [57010518, 0, 42,  9, 0, 2465],
        [57010518, 0, 18, 11, 0, 2392],
    ], columns=['ReplayID', 'Is Auto Select', 'HeroID',
                'Hero Level', 'Is Winner', 'MMR Before'])

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