Reputation: 95
I'm using @ngrx/store (also @ngrx/effects and @ngrx/store-devtools) in current application successfully. Now I want to make module, that will be ideal to be independent from rest of the application. Problem is how to also use @ngrx/store in it? Can I somehow just add new reducer into existing "app" store? I want to avoid to move model from module to app and make reducer registration into app. Do anyone have solution from this? Example code is below:
// App declarations
export const APP_IMPORTS = [
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [APP_PROVIDERS],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
And in new module:
// Module declaration
imports: [CommonModule,
StoreModule.provideStore({ counter: counterReducer }) // <-- how to change this to just add to current store new reducer??
exports: [MyTestComponent],
declarations: [MyTestComponent],
export class SomeModule {
Also dose anyone know how to chnage name of @ngrx/store showing on devtool? Change it form ngrx-store-some_random_number to some app_name?
Many thanks
Upvotes: 3
Views: 628
Reputation: 4595
As of ngrx4 you provide store as: StoreModule.forRoot({router: routerReducer})
imports: [
StoreModule.forRoot({router: routerReducer}),
declarations: [],
export class AppModule {}
Then in your feature module, you can provide store as StoreModule.forFeature(...)
imports: [
StoreModule.forFeature('feature', featureReducer),
declarations: [],
export class FeatureModule {}
The feature
state will be then under state.feature
key in store.
Use can use selectors to access feature store consistently:
export const selectFeatureModule = createFeatureSelector<FeatureState>('feature');
export const selectFeatureValue = createSelector(selectFeatureModule ,
(state: FeatureState) => state.someValue);
In feature module: an Angular component can use /slice the state as:
constructor(private store: Store<AppState>,) {
Upvotes: 2