
Reputation: 1507

MongoDB .NET driver and text search

I am using this MongoDB driver: and I would like to search using a text index, which (I think) is created on all text fields like so:

    "_fts" : "text",
    "_ftsx" : 1

I am using linq queries to filter the data, example:

MongoClient client = new MongoClient(_mongoConnectionString);
IMongoDatabase mongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase(DatabaseName);
var aCollection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<MyTypeSerializable>(CollectionName);

IMongoQueryable<MyTypeSerializable> queryable = aCollection.AsQueryable()
                .Where(e=> e.Field == 1);
var result = queryable.ToList();

How do I utilize the text search using this method?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 6627

Answers (4)

The Smallest
The Smallest

Reputation: 5773

Searching for solution I found FilterDefinition<T>.Inject() extension method. So we can go deeper and create one more extension on IMongoQueryable<T>:

public static class MongoQueryableFullTextExtensions
    public static IMongoQueryable<T> WhereText<T>(this IMongoQueryable<T> query, string search)
        var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Text(search);
        return query.Where(_ => filter.Inject());

And use it like this:

IMongoDatabase database = GetMyDatabase();

var results = database

Hope this helps somebody :)

Upvotes: 15

Tolga Kabadurmus
Tolga Kabadurmus

Reputation: 1

It's possible to modify MongoDb driver source code. Let me explain it to you:

  1. Consider "PredicateTranslator" does not convert linq Expression into "$text" query. However there is a Text() method "FilterDefinitionBuilder" class, "PredicateTranslator" does not know the entity class property has a text search index.
  2. You have to mark entity class property (a condition in predicate statement) with an Attribute. The attribute works to remark property has a full text search index.
  3. From now on "PredicateTranslator" class knows the property has a full text search index with this Attribute "PredicateTranslator"

Let me show you some code:

  1. At MongoDB.Bson project create an Attribute as shown below:

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field)] public class BsonFullTextSearchAttribute : Attribute { }

  2. At your entity class property place the "BsonFullTextSearchAttribute" Attribute as shown below:

    public class History 
        public string ObjectJSON { get; set; }
  3. At MongoDB.Driver.Linq.Translators.QueryableTranslator.cs

    • Add a field that keeps entity class type in Expression>, as shown below:

      private Type _sourceObjectTypeInExpression;
    • Add a method to get entity class type as shown below:

      private void GetObjectType(Expression node)
          if (node.Type != null && node.Type.GenericTypeArguments != null && node.Type.GenericTypeArguments.Length > 0)
              this._sourceObjectTypeInExpression = node.Type.GenericTypeArguments[0]; 
    • Replace "public static QueryableTranslation Translate()" method as shown below:

      public static QueryableTranslation Translate(Expression node, IBsonSerializerRegistry serializerRegistry, ExpressionTranslationOptions translationOptions)
      var translator = new QueryableTranslator(serializerRegistry, translationOptions);
      var outputType = translator._outputSerializer.ValueType;
      var modelType = typeof(AggregateQueryableExecutionModel<>).MakeGenericType(outputType);
      var modelTypeInfo = modelType.GetTypeInfo();
      var outputSerializerInterfaceType = typeof(IBsonSerializer<>).MakeGenericType(new[] { outputType });
      var constructorParameterTypes = new Type[] { typeof(IEnumerable<BsonDocument>), outputSerializerInterfaceType };
      var constructorInfo = modelTypeInfo.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
          .Where(c => c.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).SequenceEqual(constructorParameterTypes))
      var constructorParameters = new object[] { translator._stages, translator._outputSerializer };
      var model = (QueryableExecutionModel)constructorInfo.Invoke(constructorParameters);
      return new QueryableTranslation(model, translator._resultTransformer);
    • In TranslateWhere() method pass "_sourceObjectTypeInExpression" field to PredicateTranslator.Translate() static method

      var predicateValue = PredicateTranslator.Translate(node.Predicate, _serializerRegistry, this._sourceObjectTypeInExpression);

      B. MongoDB.Driver.Linq.Translators.PredicateTranslator.cs - Add a field: "private Type sourceObjectTypeInExpression = null;"

      - Replace constructor as shown below (there has to be only one constructor);
          private PredicateTranslator(Type _sourceObjectTypeInExpression)
              this.sourceObjectTypeInExpression = _sourceObjectTypeInExpression;
      - Replace function "public static BsonDocument Translate(Expression node, IBsonSerializerRegistry serializerRegistry)" as shown below;
          public static BsonDocument Translate(Expression node, IBsonSerializerRegistry serializerRegistry, Type sourceObjectTypeInExpression)
              var translator = new PredicateTranslator(sourceObjectTypeInExpression);
              node = FieldExpressionFlattener.FlattenFields(node);
              return translator.Translate(node)
                  .Render(serializerRegistry.GetSerializer<BsonDocument>(), serializerRegistry);
      - Add these lines for reflection cache:
          #region FullTextSearch
          private static readonly object mSysncFullTextSearchObjectCache = new object();
          private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<string>> _fullTextSearchObjectCache = null;
          private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<string>> FullTextSearchObjectCache
                  if (_fullTextSearchObjectCache == null)
                      lock (mSysncFullTextSearchObjectCache)
                              if (_fullTextSearchObjectCache == null)
                                  _fullTextSearchObjectCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<string>>();
                  return _fullTextSearchObjectCache;
          private bool IsFullTextSearchProp(Type entityType, string propName)
              bool retVal = false;
              string entityName = entityType.Name;
              if (FullTextSearchObjectCache.ContainsKey(entityName))
                  List<string> x = FullTextSearchObjectCache[entityName];
                  retVal = x.Any(p => p == propName);
              return retVal;
          private void SetObject2FullTextSearchObjectCache(Type entityType)
              string entityName = entityType.Name;
              if (!FullTextSearchObjectCache.ContainsKey(entityName))
                  List<string> retVal = new List<string>();
                  PropertyInfo[] currentProperties = entityType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                  foreach (PropertyInfo tmp in currentProperties)
                      var attributes = tmp.GetCustomAttributes();
                      BsonFullTextSearchAttribute x = (BsonFullTextSearchAttribute)attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => typeof(BsonFullTextSearchAttribute) == a.GetType());
                      if (x != null)
                  FieldInfo[] currentFields = entityType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                  foreach (FieldInfo tmp in currentFields)
                      var attributes = tmp.GetCustomAttributes();
                      BsonFullTextSearchAttribute x = (BsonFullTextSearchAttribute)attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => typeof(BsonFullTextSearchAttribute) == a.GetType());
                      if (x != null)
                  FullTextSearchObjectCache.AddOrUpdate(entityName, retVal, (k, v) => v);
      - Replace "switch (operatorType)" switch in "private FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> TranslateComparison(Expression variableExpression, ExpressionType operatorType, ConstantExpression constantExpression)" function as shown below;
          bool isFullTextSearchProp = this.IsFullTextSearchProp(this.sourceObjectTypeInExpression, fieldExpression.FieldName);
          switch (operatorType)
              case ExpressionType.Equal:
                  if (!isFullTextSearchProp)
                      return __builder.Eq(fieldExpression.FieldName, serializedValue);
                      return __builder.Text(serializedValue.ToString());
              case ExpressionType.GreaterThan: return __builder.Gt(fieldExpression.FieldName, serializedValue);
              case ExpressionType.GreaterThanOrEqual: return __builder.Gte(fieldExpression.FieldName, serializedValue);
              case ExpressionType.LessThan: return __builder.Lt(fieldExpression.FieldName, serializedValue);
              case ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual: return __builder.Lte(fieldExpression.FieldName, serializedValue);
              case ExpressionType.NotEqual:
                  if (!isFullTextSearchProp)
                      return __builder.Ne(fieldExpression.FieldName, serializedValue);
                      throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Cannot use \"NotEqual\" on FullTextSearch property: \"{0}\"", fieldExpression.FieldName));
      - Replace "switch (methodCallExpression.Method.Name)" switch in "private FilterDefinition<BsonDocument> TranslateStringQuery(MethodCallExpression methodCallExpression)" function as shown below;
          bool isFullTextSearchProp = this.IsFullTextSearchProp(this.sourceObjectTypeInExpression, tmpFieldExpression.FieldName);
          var pattern = Regex.Escape((string)constantExpression.Value);
          if (!isFullTextSearchProp)
              switch (methodCallExpression.Method.Name)
                  case "Contains": pattern = ".*" + pattern + ".*"; break;
                  case "EndsWith": pattern = ".*" + pattern; break;
                  case "StartsWith": pattern = pattern + ".*"; break; // query optimizer will use index for rooted regular expressions
                  default: return null;
              var caseInsensitive = false;
              MethodCallExpression stringMethodCallExpression;
              while ((stringMethodCallExpression = stringExpression as MethodCallExpression) != null)
                  var trimStart = false;
                  var trimEnd = false;
                  Expression trimCharsExpression = null;
                  switch (stringMethodCallExpression.Method.Name)
                      case "ToLower":
                      case "ToLowerInvariant":
                      case "ToUpper":
                      case "ToUpperInvariant":
                          caseInsensitive = true;
                      case "Trim":
                          trimStart = true;
                          trimEnd = true;
                          trimCharsExpression = stringMethodCallExpression.Arguments.FirstOrDefault();
                      case "TrimEnd":
                          trimEnd = true;
                          trimCharsExpression = stringMethodCallExpression.Arguments.First();
                      case "TrimStart":
                          trimStart = true;
                          trimCharsExpression = stringMethodCallExpression.Arguments.First();
                          return null;
                  if (trimStart || trimEnd)
                      var trimCharsPattern = GetTrimCharsPattern(trimCharsExpression);
                      if (trimCharsPattern == null)
                          return null;
                      if (trimStart)
                          pattern = trimCharsPattern + pattern;
                      if (trimEnd)
                          pattern = pattern + trimCharsPattern;
                  stringExpression = stringMethodCallExpression.Object;
              pattern = "^" + pattern + "$";
              if (pattern.StartsWith("^.*"))
                  pattern = pattern.Substring(3);
              if (pattern.EndsWith(".*$"))
                  pattern = pattern.Substring(0, pattern.Length - 3);
              var fieldExpression = GetFieldExpression(stringExpression);
              var options = caseInsensitive ? "is" : "s";
              return __builder.Regex(fieldExpression.FieldName, new BsonRegularExpression(pattern, options));
              return __builder.Text(pattern);

Upvotes: 0

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith

Reputation: 14436

Looking at the PredicateTranslator within the C# MongoDB driver there isn't any expression that gets converted in to a text query. So you won't be able to achive a text query using a linq query.

However you could try just doing a text search with the Builder<>:

MongoClient client = new MongoClient(_mongoConnectionString);
IMongoDatabase mongoDatabase = client.GetDatabase(DatabaseName);
var aCollection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<MyTypeSerializable>(CollectionName);

var cursor = await aCollection.FindAsync(Builders<MyTypeSerializable>.Filter.Text("search"));

var results = await cursor.ToListAsync();

Details about the text filter is here

Upvotes: 3

Vitaliy Kalinin
Vitaliy Kalinin

Reputation: 1871

How about:

IMongoQueryable<MyTypeSerializable> queryable = aCollection
.Where(e=> e.Field.Contains("term"));

Upvotes: -1

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