Reputation: 99
I am using a VBA script to compile data from an Excel document into a CSV file for use with a PowerCLI script. I am encountering issues related to having extra blank spaces in the column names and I would like to either determine a way to:
introduce a function to eliminate the extra spaces in my main VBA script or have the VBA TrimEText section relating to removing the extra spaces run simultaneously with the main VBA script
The 'main' VBA script is:
Function BuildValuesString(colIndex As String, rows As String) As String
Dim val As Variant
For Each val In Split(rows, ",")
If Cells(val, colIndex) <> "" Then BuildValuesString = BuildValuesString & Cells(val, colIndex).Value & " , "
Next val
End Function
Function BuildNullStrings(numNullStrings As Long) As String
Dim iNullStrings As Long
For iNullStrings = 1 To numNullStrings
BuildNullStrings = BuildNullStrings & "" & " , "
Next iNullStrings
End Function
Sub WriteCSVFile2()
Dim My_filenumber As Integer
Dim logSTR As String
My_filenumber = FreeFile
logSTR = logSTR & "Name" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & "VLAN" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & "NumCPU" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & "MemoryGB" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & "C" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & "D" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & "App" & " , "
logSTR = logSTR & Chr(13)
logSTR = logSTR & BuildValuesString("C", "18,19,20,21,22")
logSTR = logSTR & BuildNullStrings(1)
logSTR = logSTR & BuildValuesString("C", "26,27,28,29,30,31,32")
logSTR = logSTR & Chr(13)
logSTR = logSTR & BuildNullStrings(6)
logSTR = logSTR & BuildValuesString("C", "36,37,38,39,40,41,42")
logSTR = logSTR & Chr(13)
logSTR = logSTR & BuildNullStrings(6)
logSTR = logSTR & BuildValuesString("C", "46,47,48,49,50,51,52")
Open "Z:\Operational Env. Requests\2016\Requests(Test)\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ".csv" For Append As #My_filenumber
Print #My_filenumber, logSTR
Close #My_filenumber
End Sub
The section relating to remove the excess spaces is:
Sub TrimEText()
' This module will trim extra spaces from BOTH SIDES and excessive spaces from inside the text.
Dim MyCell As Range
On Error Resume Next
Selection.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).Select
For Each MyCell In Selection.Cells
MyCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Trim(MyCell.Value), " ", " ")
MyCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Trim(MyCell.Value), "", " ")
MyCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Trim(MyCell.Value), "", " ")
MyCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Trim(MyCell.Value), "", " ")
MyCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Trim(MyCell.Value), "", " ")
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Is there a way to have both run simultaneously without the need for selecting the cells in the exported CSV document? Like specify the cells within the CSV document itself in the VBA script?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1401
"I am encountering issues related to having extra blank spaces in the column names" Here is were you are adding spaces to the column names:
logSTR = logSTR & "Name" & " , "
On the last line you add an extra column with no header. This can be very problematic.
logSTR = logSTR & "App" & " , "
There are 7 columns not 6. BuildNullStrings
is not needs `String(7,",") does the same thing.
logSTR = logSTR & BuildNullStrings(6)
This will cause your data to be misaligned and missing columns.
If Cells(val, colIndex) <> "" Then BuildValuesString = BuildValuesString & Cells(val, colIndex).Value & " , "
Sub WriteCSVFile2()
Dim logSTR As String
Dim My_filenumber As Integer
Dim data(6)
Dim logSTR As String
data(0) = Join(Array("Name", "VLAN", "NumCPU", "MemoryGB", "C", "D", "App"), ",")
data(1) = BuildValuesString("C", 18, 19, 20, 21, 22) & String(1, ",")
data(2) = BuildValuesString("C", 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32)
data(3) = String(7, ",")
data(4) = BuildValuesString("C", 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42)
data(5) = String(7, ",")
data(6) = BuildValuesString("C", 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52)
logSTR = Join(data, vbCrLf)
My_filenumber = FreeFile
Open "Z:\Operational Env. Requests\2016\Requests(Test)\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ".csv" For Append As #My_filenumber
Print #My_filenumber, logSTR
Close #My_filenumber
End Sub
Function BuildValuesString(colIndex As String, ParamArray RowNumbers()) As String
Dim x As Long
Dim result As String
For x = 0 To UBound(RowNumbers)
RowNumbers(x) = Trim(Cells(clong(RowNumbers(x)), colIndex).Value)
If Cells(val, colIndex) <> "" Then BuildValuesString = BuildValuesString & Cells(val, colIndex).Value & " , "
BuildValuesString = Join(RowNumbers, ",")
End Function
Sub TrimData() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim c As Range
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
c.Value = Trim(c.Value)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvotes: 3