Reputation: 71
I'm developing an app that fetches data from few different APIs using Alamofire (each call is done using a function). Then I have to collect all of the results (Double type in my case) to one array to calculate the average.
As long as Alamofire uses asynchronous calls, it is impossible to simply append new value to an array from inside of call.
Here is a function that calls each of functions responsible for fetching data by Alamofire:
func collectData() {
fetchFromSecondAPI() //etc.
And here is an example of one of these functions:
func fetchFromFirstAPI() {
let APIURL = "" as URLConvertible
let parameters: Parameters = ["APPKEY": APIKey]
Alamofire.request(APIURL, method: .get, parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.default).validate().responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let data):
let json = JSON(data)
if let result = json["main"]["value"].double {
} else {
case .failure:
And the array:
var myArray: [Double] = []
How to deal with it?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2414
Reputation: 438467
You said:
As long as Alamofire uses asynchronous calls, it is impossible to simply append new value to an array from inside of call.
You can actually go ahead and append items to the array inside the completion handlers. And because Alamofire calls its completion handlers on the main queue by default, no further synchronization is needed. And you can use dispatch groups to know when all the requests are done. First, I'd give my methods completion handlers so I know when they're done, e.g.:
func fetchFromFirstAPI(completionHandler: @escaping (Double?, Error?) -> Void) {
let APIURL = ""
let parameters: Parameters = ["APPKEY": APIKey]
Alamofire.request(APIURL, parameters: parameters).validate().responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let data):
let json = JSON(data)
if let result = json["main"]["value"].double {
completionHandler(result, nil)
} else {
completionHandler(nil, FetchError.valueNotFound)
case .failure(let error):
completionHandler(nil, error)
enum FetchError: Error {
case valueNotFound
And you can then do something like:
func performRequestsAndAverageResults(completionHandler: @escaping (Double?) -> ()) {
var values = [Double]()
let group = DispatchGroup()
fetchFromFirstAPI { value, error in
defer { group.leave() }
if let value = value { values.append(value) }
fetchFromSecondAPI { value, error in
defer { group.leave() }
if let value = value { values.append(value) }
group.notify(queue: .main) {
func average<T: FloatingPoint>(_ values: [T]) -> T? {
guard values.count > 0 else { return nil }
let sum = values.reduce(0) { $0 + $1 }
return sum / T(values.count)
Now, you may want to handle errors differently, but this should illustrate the basic idea: Just append the results in the completion handlers and then use dispatch groups to know when all the requests are done, and in the notify closure, perform whatever calculations you want.
Clearly, the above code doesn't care what order these asynchronous tasks finish. If you did care, you'd need to tweak this a little (e.g. save the results to a dictionary and then build a sorted array). But if you're just averaging the results, order doesn't matter and the above is fairly simple.
Upvotes: 7