Reputation: 308
I've been researching the past few days on how to achieve this, to no avail.
I have a JSON file with a large array of json objects like so:
[{ "tweet": "@SHendersonFreep @realDonaldTrump watch your portfolios go to the Caribbean banks and on to Switzerland. Speculation without regulation", "user": "DGregsonRN" },{ "tweet": "RT @CodeAud: James Mattis Vs Iran.\n\"The appointment of Mattis by @realDonaldTrump got the Iranian military leaders' more attention\". https:\u2026", "user": "American1765" },{ "tweet": "@realDonaldTrump the oyou seem to be only fraud I see is you, and seem scared since you want to block the recount???hmm cheater", "user": "tgg216" },{ "tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: @Lord_Sugar Dopey Sugar--because it was open all season long--you can't play golf in the snow, you stupid ass.", "user": "grepsalot" },{ "tweet": "RT @Prayer4Chandler: @realDonaldTrump Hello Mr. President, would you be willing to meet Chairman #ManHeeLee of #HWPL to discuss the #PeaceT\u2026", "user": "harrymalpoy1" },{ "tweet": "RT @realDonaldTrump: Thank you Ohio! Together, we made history \u2013 and now, the real work begins. America will start winning again! #AmericaF\u2026", "user": "trumpemall" }]
And I am trying to access each key and value, and write them to a csv file. I believe using json.loads(json.dumps(file))
should work in normal json format, but because there is an array of objects, I can't seem to be able to access each individual one.
import json import csv f = open("tweets_load.json",'r') y = json.loads(json.dumps(, separators=(',',':'))) t = csv.writer(open("test.csv", "wb+")) # Write CSV Header, If you dont need that, remove this line t.writerow(["tweet", "user"]) for x in y: t.writerow([x[0],x[0]])
import tweepy import json def get_api(cfg): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(cfg['consumer_key'], cfg['consumer_secret']) auth.set_access_token(cfg['access_token'], cfg['access_token_secret']) return tweepy.API(auth) def main(): cfg = { "consumer_key" : "xxx", "consumer_secret" : "xxx", "access_token" : "xxx", "access_token_secret" : "xxx" } api = get_api(cfg) json_ret = tweepy.Cursor(, q="@realDonaldTrump",count="100").items(100) restapi ="" for tweet in json_ret: rest = json.dumps({'tweet' : tweet.text,'user' :str(tweet.user.screen_name)},sort_keys=True,indent=4,separators=(',',': ')) restapi = restapi+str(rest)+"," f = open("tweets.json",'a') f.write(str(restapi)) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
The output so far is looking like:
tweet,user^M {,{^M " "," "^M , ^M , ^M , ^M , ^M """",""""^M t,t^M w,w^M e,e^M e,e^M t,t^M """",""""^M :,:^M , ^M """",""""^M R,R^M T,T^M , ^M @,@^M r,r^M e,e^M a,a^M l,l^M D,D^M o,o^M n,n^M a,a^M l,l^M
What exactly am I doing wrong?
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Views: 1769
Reputation: 308
turns out it was the json.dumps(), should've read more into what it does! Thanks.
Upvotes: 0