Reputation: 4428
For some reason I am able to run my SELECT
statement in SSMS, but when I use it in SSRS then it says Procedure or function has too many arguments specified
If I choose only one parameter - it gives me the result. But if I choose 2 or more - I got an error.
This is my whole code:
DECLARE @ClassCode varchar(max) = '31439,739889'
CREATE TABLE #PolicyNumbers (PolicyNumber varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #PolicyNumbers SELECT PolicyNumber FROM tblClassCodesPlazaCommercial T1
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tblClassCodesPlazaCommercial T2
WHERE T1.PolicyNumber = T2.PolicyNumber
AND ClassCode IN
(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[StringOfStringsToTable](@ClassCode,',')))
; WITH Earned_to_date AS (
SELECT Cast('11-30-2016' AS DATE) AS Earned_to_date
), policy_data AS (
, Cast(PolicyEffectiveDate AS DATE) AS PolicyEffectiveDate
, Cast(PolicyExpirationDate AS DATE) AS PolicyExpirationDate
, WrittenPremium
FROM PlazaInsuranceWPDataSet pid
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT PolicyNumber FROM #PolicyNumbers pn WHERE pn.PolicyNumber = pid.PolicyNumber )
AND State IN ('CA','NV','AZ')
, digits AS (
SELECT digit
FROM (VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4)
, (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) AS z2 (digit)
), numbers AS (
SELECT 1000 * d4.digit + 100 * d3.digit + 10 * d2.digit + d1.digit AS number
FROM digits AS d1
CROSS JOIN digits AS d2
CROSS JOIN digits AS d3
CROSS JOIN digits AS d4
), calendar AS (
DateAdd(month, number, '1753-01-01') AS month_of
, DateAdd(month, number, '1753-02-01') AS month_after
FROM numbers
), policy_dates AS (
WHEN month_of < PolicyEffectiveDate THEN PolicyEffectiveDate
ELSE month_of
END AS StartRiskMonth
WHEN PolicyExpirationDate < month_after THEN PolicyExpirationDate
WHEN Earned_to_date.Earned_to_date < month_after THEN Earned_to_date
ELSE month_after
END AS EndRiskMonth
, DateDiff(day, PolicyEffectiveDate, PolicyExpirationDate) AS policy_days
, WrittenPremium
FROM policy_data
JOIN calendar
ON (policy_data.PolicyEffectiveDate < calendar.month_after
AND calendar.month_of < policy_data.PolicyExpirationDate)
CROSS JOIN Earned_to_date
WHERE month_of < Earned_to_date
SELECT PolicyNumber,
Year(StartRiskMonth) as YearStartRisk,
Month(StartRiskMonth) as MonthStartRisk,
convert(varchar(7), StartRiskMonth, 120) as RiskMonth,
sum(WrittenPremium * DateDiff(day, StartRiskMonth, EndRiskMonth) / policy_days) as EarnedPremium
FROM tblCalendar c
LEFT JOIN policy_dates l ON c.YearNum=Year(l.StartRiskMonth) and c.MonthNum = Month(l.StartRiskMonth) AND l.StartRiskMonth BETWEEN '01-01-2012' AND '10-31-2016'
WHERE c.YearNum Not IN (2017) --and PolicyNumber = 'PACA1000191-00'
GROUP BY convert(varchar(7), StartRiskMonth, 120),
Year(StartRiskMonth) , Month(StartRiskMonth),
ORDER BY PolicyNumber,c.YearNum,c.MonthNum
DROP TABLE #PolicyNumbers
I am using the split function that works fine:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[StringOfStringsToTable]
@Strings varchar(8000),
@Separator char(1)
RETURNS @StringTable table (String varchar(500))
DECLARE @String varchar(500), @Pos int
SET @Strings = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Strings))+ @Separator
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Separator, @Strings, 1)
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @String = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@Strings, @Pos - 1)))
IF @String <> '' INSERT INTO @StringTable VALUES (@String)
SET @Strings = RIGHT(@Strings, LEN(@Strings) - @Pos)
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Separator, @Strings, 1)
This is the result set in SSMS:
And there is an error:
In a query designer in SSRS if I declare variable at the top with multiple value parameter than it works.
DECLARE @ClassCode varchar(100) = '31439,739889,33528,40199,21289,40427,42594,5283,5251,34489'
But if I take off that statement than I receive the same error. What is going on here?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 15677
Reputation: 26
Writing for clarity as I believe this thread came to a wrong conclusion with temp tables.
I believe the problem here (I was having the same problem) is the spaces between the commas. When you put in a string with no spaces and just commas it works, but when you put in a string in your parameters section (For example if you copy paste) usually that is spaced out in different lines. When pulling that back into comma delimited values, SSRS adds a space between each one. Then it doesn't work. I'm not sure what exactly is going on behind the scenes but I know with the spaces it is broken and without them it works. This explains all of the cases you presented. You also found the solution to this using the join in the parameters! For my case and probably most similar cases the code is simply
join(parameter, ", ")
Using that you can paste values with or without a space and it should work! Hope this clears up any confusion!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21
It worked by using JOIN(!Parameters!someparameter.Value, ",")
in my report.
The report called SP, and inside SP the parameter is parsed by Split table function and then joining column to act as filter.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4428
Thank you guys for your recommendations. I will definately wrap my code into SP and quit using #TempTables when working with SSRS.
But also I found a solution for my problem by modifiing the parameter on my dataset.So instead of default parameter @Parameters!ClassCode.Value I used JOIN
Here is the link to additional info:
Thanks for help
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 859
I agree with the previous answer. The temp table within your script is a problem.
I believe you will make your life much easier if you make your script into a Stored Procedure on the server. Then create your dataset in SSRS by connecting to the stored procedure. It will handle the multiple parameters just fine then.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 197
I know from experience that SSRS does not like temp tables. tables that start with a single hash (#).
Please convert that into a derived table or a global table and try again.
Here is a link to some examples
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