Reputation: 413
I am reading in json from an API response and I ran into an issue in that there are multiple data types inside the json values (strings, null, bool). In addition, some keys have values which can be either a string or null which makes reading the data into types more difficult. I want to convert everything to strings for ease of handling. I created a type switch based on googling other examples. I am wondering if this is the easiest way to do this or if I am missing a simpler approach.
package main
import (
func main() {
json_byte := []byte(`{"response":[{"t_int":1, "t_bool": true, "t_null_or_string": null}, {"t_int":2, "t_bool": false, "t_null_or_string": "string1"}]}`)
//unmarshal the json to data structure using interface for variable data types
data_json := make(map[string][]map[string]interface{}) //create a structure to hold unmarshalled json
if err := json.Unmarshal(json_byte, &data_json); err != nil {
fmt.Println("json_data: ", data_json)
//Iterate over data structure and convert Bool, Int, and Null types to string
var v_conv string // temporary holding for converted string values
data_map := make(map[string]string) // temporary holding for converted maps
data_final := make([]map[string]string, 0, 100) // final holding for data converted to strings
for _, v := range data_json { //v is the value of the "response": key which is a slice of maps
for _, v2 := range v { //v2 is one of the maps in the slice of maps
for k3, v3 := range v2 { //k3 and v3 are the keys and values inside the map
fmt.Println("k3: ", k3, "v3: ", v3)
switch v_type := v3.(type) {
case nil:
v_conv = ""
case bool:
v_conv = strconv.FormatBool(v3.(bool))
case int:
v_conv = strconv.Itoa(v3.(int))
case string:
v_conv = v3.(string)
case float64:
v_conv = strconv.FormatFloat(v3.(float64), 'f', 0, 64)
fmt.Println("vtype unknown: ", v_type) //have to use v_type since it is declared
v_conv = ""
data_map[k3] = v_conv //append a new map key/value pair both as strings
fmt.Println("data_map: ", data_map)
data_final = append(data_final, data_map) // after each cycle through the loop append the map to the new list
fmt.Println("data_final: ", data_final)
Final Format Desired a Slice of Maps [{ "t_int": "1", "t_bool": "true", "t_null_string": "" }, { "t_int": "2", "t_bool": "false", "t_null_string": "string1" }]
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5221
Reputation: 1010
For this answer I'm assuming that JSON in your example is an example of (part of) your JSON input. In this case, your JSON has a specific structure: you know which attributes are coming with a known data type and also you know which attributes a dynamic. For example, you could unmarshal your JSON into smth like ResponseObj below:
package main
import (
type ResponseObj struct {
Response []Item `json:"response"`
type Item struct {
TInt int `json:"t_int"`
TBool bool `json:"t_bool"`
TMixed interface{} `json:"t_null_or_string"`
func main() {
json_byte := []byte(`{"response":[{"t_int":1, "t_bool": true, "t_null_or_string": null}, {"t_int":2, "t_bool": false, "t_null_or_string": "string1"}]}`)
data_json := ResponseObj{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(json_byte, &data_json); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", data_json)
Your data will look like:
And yes, for an attribute with a mixed type you'll run a type assertion (or comparison with nil as in your case or both).
Unlikely your JSON is a total chaos of unpredictable types. Most likely, you can single out a core structure and use interface{} for remaining, mixed types.
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 2