I am on a standalone cluster of Master+3WorkerNodes, When running a job(BIG), I am facing an issue of "No space left on device".
I tried getting help of Why does a job fail with "No space left on device", but df says otherwise? and set the variable in MASTER's spark-defaults.conf
then restarted the cluster. But noticed that after changing that also, it is still pointing to /tmp(saw memory usage while job was running by df -h) for temporary shuffle store instead of pointing to directory I set in defaults.conf(I can see this directory in webUI's environment TAB).
WHY /tmp is still pointed, any IDEA ? do i need to set anything-else-anywhere??
Also followed No space left on device and get: I need to set below property in
SPARK_JAVA_OPTS+=" -Dspark.local.dir=/mnt/spark,/mnt2/spark -Dhadoop.tmp.dir=/mnt/ephemeral-hdfs"
What is "/mnt/spark" and "/mnt/ephemeral-hdfs" path denotes?? And do i need to set it on master's or on every worker-Node also.
Pleas Help. Thanks...
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Views: 2060
Ok, got the solution, I think setting "spark.local.dir" will be overriden by saprk defaults i:e /tmp path.
But setting the below 2 variables in each of master and worker's "" worked.
export SPARK_WORKER_DIR=dir_you_have_enough_Space
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=dir_you_have_enough_Space
Hope it'll help somebody-someday..:)
Upvotes: 7