akila arasan
akila arasan

Reputation: 747

How to send form data in a http post request of angular 2?

I am trying to send form data of the updated user details to the back end which node server in angular 2,However I couldn't send the form data and the server responds with status of 500,In angularjs I have done something like this, service file

  update: {
    method: 'POST',
    params: {
      dest1: 'update'
    transformRequest: angular.identity,
    'headers': {
      'Content-Type': undefined

In controller as

var fd = new FormData();
var user = {
  _id: StorageFactory.getUserDetail()._id,
  loc: locDetails
fd.append('user', angular.toJson(user));
  function(value) {
  function(err) {

I couldn't to figure how to do this in angular 2 as angular.toJson,angular.identity and transformrequest features are not available in angular 2, so far I have done the following in angular 2,

 let fd = new FormData();
 let user = {
   _id: this.appManager.getUserDetail()._id,
   loc: locDetails
 fd.append('user', JSON.stringify(user));
 this.userService.update(fd).subscribe((value) => {
 }, (err) => {

http service file

update(body) {
  console.log('update', body);
  const headers = new Headers({
    'Content-Type': undefined

  const options = new RequestOptions({
    headers: headers
  return this.http.post(`${app.DOMAIN}` + 'user/update', body, options)
    .map((res: Response) => {
    }).do(data => {
      console.log('response', data);

I have read many posts and tried few things but so far it was unsuccessful, could anyone suggest me how to do this?

Upvotes: 15

Views: 111933

Answers (5)

Vineet Verma
Vineet Verma

Reputation: 21

FINAL answer sending like below working fine .

         const input = new FormData();
            input['payload'] = JSON.stringify(param);
                return this.httpClient.post(this.hostnameService.razor + 'pipelines/' + 
                    workflowId, input).subscribe(value => {
                 console.log('response for Manual Pipeline ' + value);
                 return value;
                   }, err => {

Upvotes: 0

muhammad zaman
muhammad zaman

Reputation: 35

Here is the method I've used in angular 4 for uploading files.... for Ui

   <input type="file"id="file"(change)="handleFileInput($event)">

and .ts file I've added this ....

  handleFileInput(event) {
    let eventObj: MSInputMethodContext = <MSInputMethodContext> event;
    let target: HTMLInputElement = <HTMLInputElement> eventObj.target;
    let files: FileList = target.files;
    this.fileToUpload  = files[0];

 uploadFileToActivity() {
    console.log('Uploading file in process...!' + this.fileToUpload );
      success => {
        console.log('Uploading file succefully...!');
        console.log('Uploading file succefully...!' + JSON.stringify(success));
      err => console.log(err),

and In services

upload(fileToUpload: File) {
    const headers = new Headers({'enctype': 'multipart/form-data'});
    // headers.append('Accept', 'application/json');
    const options = new RequestOptions({headers: headers});
    const formData: FormData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file', fileToUpload, fileToUpload.name);
    console.log('before hist the service' + formData);
    return this.http
      .post(`${this.appSettings.baseUrl}/Containers/avatar/upload/`, formData , options).map(
        res => {
          const data = res.json();
          return data;

This method used for single file uploading to the server directory.

Upvotes: 2

Joffrey Outtier
Joffrey Outtier

Reputation: 920

This is a functional solution for build a POST request in Angular2, you don't need an Authorization header.

var headers = new Headers();
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });

var body = "firstname=" + user.firstname + "&lastname=" + user.lastname + "&username=" + user.username + "&email=" + user.email + "&password=" + user.password;

return new Promise((resolve) => {
                this.http.post("http://XXXXXXXXXXX/users/create", body, options).subscribe((data) => {
                if (data.json()) {
                } else {

Upvotes: 6

Sahil Daga
Sahil Daga

Reputation: 441

You can add headers if your server controller requires it else you can simply post it like this

let body = new FormData();
body.append('email', 'emailId');
body.append('password', 'xyz');
this.http.post(url, body);

Upvotes: 25

John Baird
John Baird

Reputation: 2676

Here is the method from my app which works fine.

 updateProfileInformation(user: User) {
    this.userSettings.firstName = user.firstName;
    this.userSettings.lastName = user.lastName;
    this.userSettings.dob = user.dob;

    var headers = new Headers();
    headers.append('Content-Type', this.constants.jsonContentType);

    var s = localStorage.getItem("accessToken");
    headers.append("Authorization", "Bearer " + s);
    var body = JSON.stringify(this.userSettings);

    return this.http.post(this.constants.userUrl + "UpdateUser", body, { headers: headers })
      .map((response: Response) => {
        var result = response.json();
        return result;

Upvotes: 0

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