Reputation: 3
I am using ajax, I need sum of the textbox value and display that value automatically to the another text box. My text box id is selprice; actually I needed the sum of selprice, and my ajax is here. If there is any option to do to get the result, please help me...
url: "<?php echo site_url('moderator/Cashinvoice/check_proid/') ?>/" + id,
type: "POST",
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(data) {
// alert(quantity);
var stockcount = data.mro_stockcount;
if (data == 0) {
$('#main').html('<span id="li" style="color:red">Incorrect Product ID.</spam>');
} else if (stockcount < parseInt(quantity)) {
$('#main').html('<span id="li" style="color:red"> You are entered quantity is not in stock and total stock count is : <input type="text" id="stok" name="qua" readonly value="" style="width:40px; color:black; background-color: #eeeeee; test-align: center; padding-left: 4px;" ></spam>');
} else {
iCnt = iCnt + 1;
if (iCnt == 1) {
$(container).append('<table id="example-rfi" class="table table-bordered table-striped"><tr>\n\
<th>Product Name</th><th>Selling Price</th><th>Discount</th>\n\
<th>Total price</th><th>VAT</th><th>CST</th><th>Excise</th>\n\
<th>Other Tax</th></tr>');
$(container).append('<table id="example-rfi" class="table"><tr><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 200px;" id=tb' + iCnt + ' ' +
'value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 70px;" id=selprice' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 50px;" id=discount' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" name="total" style="width: 70px;" id=selprice' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 50px;" id=vat' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 50px;" id=cst' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 50px;" id=excise' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 50px;" id=othrtax' + iCnt + ' ' +
' \n\
value="" /></td></tr></table>');
// '<tr><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 200px;" id=tb' + iCnt + ' ' +
// 'value="" /></td><td><input type=text readonly class="input" style="width: 100px;" id=selingprice' + iCnt + ' ' +
// ' \n\
// value="" /></td></tr></table>');
if (iCnt == 1) {
var divSubmit = $(document.createElement('div'));
$(divSubmit).append('<input type=button class="btn btn-primary"' +
'onclick="GetTextValue()"' +
'id=btSubmit value=GO />');
$('#mainn').after(container, divSubmit);
$('[id="quant' + iCnt + '"]').val(quantity);
$('[id="tb' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_name);
$('[id="vat' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_vat);
$('[id="cst' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_cst);
$('[id="octr' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_octroi);
$('[id="tax' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_servicetax);
$('[id="excise' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_excise);
$('[id="othrtax' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_othertax);
$('[id="discount' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_discount);
$('[id="quantity' + iCnt + '"]').val(quantity);
$('[id="selingprice' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_sellingprice);
$('[id="selprice' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_sellingprice * quantity);
$('[id="proid' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_id);
$('#dis').append('<input type=hidden class="input" name="productid[]" id=proidd' + iCnt + ' ' +
' value="" />\n\<input type=hidden class="input" name="quantityy[]" id=quantt' + iCnt + ' ' +
' value="" />');
$('[id="proidd' + iCnt + '"]').val(data.mro_id);
$('[id="quantt' + iCnt + '"]').val(quantity);
// alert(quant);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$('#main').html('<span id="li" style="color:red">Please provide Product ID.</spam>');
The text box value is automatically added by val();
so I don't know how to get the total sum.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 841
Reputation: 125
here is the code for sum of two input box and total sum in another text input box guys.
<input type="text" id="txt1" onkeyup="sum();" />
<input type="text" id="txt2" onkeyup="sum();" />
<input type="text" id="txt3" />
function sum() {
var txtFirstNumberValue = document.getElementById('txt1').value;
var txtSecondNumberValue = document.getElementById('txt2').value;
var result = parseInt(txtFirstNumberValue) + parseInt(txtSecondNumberValue);
if (!isNaN(result)) {
document.getElementById('txt3').value = result;
Here is the Link :
Upvotes: 1