I am a university student and this is my first time asking a question here. First of all thank you for taking the time to read. We have a project which is about Graphs. So far I did the creation of the graph through matrix and adjacency list . My version of the adjacency list is formed of 2 linked lists (just to allow adding as much vertex I want) . Now I am trying to make the Depth First Search . I did some research and seriously I didn't understand much , so i followed my own thinking.It is working but I am not sure if it is right or if the complexity is O(V+E) v refers to vertex and E to edges.. Can anyone read it and tell me if it's right ? and if it is how is the complexity O(V+E)? PS: please only use c++ as it's the only language I know. Thank you a lot for your help
what I did in the DFS is
1-do a while loop that goes through all vertex and calls DFS on each vertex
2- on each vertex , DFS is called , the color of the vertex will be grey ('g')
3-another while loop that goes through the children of target vertex (the edges)
4-on each children , another while loop will be searching for the corresponding edge through search-> value == child->value
5-when it finds the vertex it will call DFS again (so repeat step 2 till 5)
6-when done , color vertex black one after another
here are the codes :
class EdgeNode
int value;
EdgeNode *Next;
#include "EdgeNode.h"
class VertexNode
int value;
int parentIndex;
char color;
EdgeNode *Child;
VertexNode *Next;
#include "VertexNode.h"
class Graph{
int NbVertex;
int time;
VertexNode *s;
void AddVertex(int value);
bool AddEdge(int parentIndex, int value);
void PrintVertex();
void PrintGraph();
void DepthFirstSearch();
void DFS(VertexNode *V);
#include <iostream>
#include "Graph.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
s = NULL;
NbVertex = 0;
void Graph::AddVertex(int value)
if (NbVertex == 0)
s = new VertexNode;
s->value = value;
s->parentIndex = NbVertex+1;
s->color = 'w';
s->Child = NULL;
s->Next = NULL;
VertexNode *z = s;
while (z->Next != NULL)
z = z->Next;
z->Next = new VertexNode;
z->Next->parentIndex = NbVertex+1;
z->Next->color = 'w';
z->Next->value = value;
z->Next->Child = NULL;
z->Next->Next = NULL;
bool Graph::AddEdge(int parentIndex, int value)
if (NbVertex == 0)
cout << "Graph is empty" << endl;
VertexNode *z = s;
while (z != NULL)
if (z->parentIndex == parentIndex)
if (z->Child == NULL)
EdgeNode *y = new EdgeNode;
y->value = value;
y->Next = NULL;
z->Child = y;
EdgeNode *y = z->Child;
while (y->Next != NULL)
if (y->value == value)
cout << "The edge already exists"<<endl;
return false;
y = y->Next;
y->Next = new EdgeNode;
y->Next->value = value;
y->Next->Next = NULL;
return true;
z = z->Next;
cout << "The index was not found" << endl;
return false;
void Graph :: PrintVertex()
VertexNode *z = s;
int count = 1;
while (z != NULL)
cout << "vertex " << count << " : " << endl;
cout << "Value : " << z->value << endl;
cout << "Index : " << z->parentIndex << endl;
cout << "Next : " << z->Next << endl;
cout << "Child : " << z->Child << endl;
cout << "Color : " << z->color << endl;
cout << endl;
z = z->Next;
cout << "time is : " << time;
void Graph::PrintGraph()
VertexNode *z = s;
int countVertex = 1;
while (z != NULL)
cout << "vertex " << countVertex << " : " << endl;
cout << "Value : " << z->value << endl;
cout << "Index : " << z->parentIndex << endl;
cout << "Next : " << z->Next << endl;
cout << "Child : " << z->Child << endl;
cout << endl;
if (z->Child != NULL)
int countChild=1;
EdgeNode *y = z->Child;
while (y != NULL)
cout << "Child " << countChild << " : " << endl;
cout << "Value : " << y->value << endl;
cout <<"Next : " << y->Next << endl;
cout << "-------------------"<<endl;
y = y->Next;
cout << "*************************************"<<endl;
z = z->Next;
void Graph :: DepthFirstSearch()
time = 0;
VertexNode *z = s;
while (z != NULL)
if (z->color == 'w')
z = z->Next;
void Graph::DFS(VertexNode *V)
cout << "(" << V->value;
V->color = 'g';
EdgeNode *Y = V->Child;
while (Y != NULL)
VertexNode *Search = s;
while (Search != NULL)
if (Search->value == Y->value)
if (Search->color == 'w')
Search->color = 'b';
Search = Search->Next;
Y = Y->Next;
V->color = 'b';
cout << V->value << ")";
this is the DFS
void Graph :: DepthFirstSearch()
time = 0;
VertexNode *z = s;
while (z != NULL)
if (z->color == 'w')
z = z->Next;
void Graph::DFS(VertexNode *V)
cout << "(" << V->value;
V->color = 'g';
EdgeNode *Y = V->Child;
while (Y != NULL)
VertexNode *Search = s;
while (Search != NULL)
if (Search->value == Y->value)
if (Search->color == 'w')
Search->color = 'b';
Search = Search->Next;
Y = Y->Next;
V->color = 'b';
cout << V->value << ")";
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I don't know how organized your project should be, but the code for a graph built with adjacence list can take about 10 lines.
Quickly looking at it, your DFS seems right. Theoretically, the DFS (or BFS) time is O(V + E) just because it will pass through all the vertexes and all the edges (totalizing O(|V| + |E|).
If you care about code reading and organization, keep on going, but if you prefer less code instead, I'm sure you can find much smaller implementations of graphs.
There is a 5 line implementation of DFS that works fine.
void DFS(graph G, int v){
mark[v] = true;
cout<<"Visiting "<<v<<endl;
for(auto u : G[v]) //this means "for all u in the adjacence list of v"
if(!mark[u]) DFS(G, u);
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