Reputation: 437
With some effort and help from the stackers, I have been able to parse a webpage and save it as a dataframe. I want to repeat the same operation on multiple xml files and rbind the list. Here is what I tried and did successfully:
xml.url <- ""
doc <- xmlParse(xml.url)
x <- xmlToDataFrame(getNodeSet(doc,"//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE"))
x_t <- t(x)
x_t <-
names(x_t) <- as.matrix(x_t[1, ])
x_t <- x_t[-1, ]
x_t[] <- lapply(x_t, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x)))
Above code works well, now when I try to apply a function to do the same for multiple xml files :
ERS_ID <- c("ERS445758","ERS445759", "ERS445760", "ERS445761", "ERS445762")
xml_url_test = as.vector(sprintf("",
XML_parser <- function(XML_url){
doc <- xmlParse(XML_url)
x <- xmlToDataFrame(getNodeSet(doc,"//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE"))
x_t <- t(x)
x_t <-
names(x_t) <- as.matrix(x_t[1, ])
x_t <- x_t[-1, ]
x_t[] <- lapply(x_t, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x)))
major_test <- sapply(xml_url_test, XML_parser)
It works, but gives me a long list that is not in the right data frame format as I generated for the single XML file.
Finally I would like to also add a column to the final dataframe that has the ERS number from the ERS_ID vector
Something like x_t$ERSid <- ERS_ID
in the function
Can someone point out what am I missing in the function as well as any better ways to do the task?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 704
Reputation: 2225
You can retrieve multiple IDs with a single REST url using a comma-separated list or range like ERS445758-ERS445762 and avoid multiple queries to the ENA.
This code gets all 5 samples into a node set and then applies functions using a leading dot in the xpath string so its relative to that node.
ERS_ID <- c("ERS445758","ERS445759", "ERS445760", "ERS445761", "ERS445762")
url <- paste0( "", paste(ERS_ID, collapse=","), "&display=xml")
doc <- xmlParse(url)
samples <- getNodeSet( doc, "//SAMPLE")
## check the first node
## get the sample attribute node set and apply xmlToDataFrame to that
x <- lapply( lapply(samples, getNodeSet, ".//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE"), xmlToDataFrame)
# labels for bind_rows
names(x) <- sapply(samples, xpathSApply, ".//PRIMARY_ID", xmlValue)
y <- bind_rows(x, .id="sample")
z <- subset(y, TAG %in% c("age","sex","body site","body-mass index") , 1:3)
sample TAG VALUE
15 ERS445758 age 28
16 ERS445758 sex male
17 ERS445758 body site Sigmoid colon
19 ERS445758 body-mass index 16.9550173
50 ERS445759 age 58
51 ERS445759 sex male
z %>% spread( TAG, VALUE)
sample age body site body-mass index sex
1 ERS445758 28 Sigmoid colon 16.9550173 male
2 ERS445759 58 Sigmoid colon 23.22543185 male
3 ERS445760 26 Sigmoid colon 20.76124567 female
4 ERS445761 30 Sigmoid colon 0 male
5 ERS445762 36 Sigmoid colon 0 male
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 43334
is really helpful here, as you can iterate over a vector of URLs or a list of XML files with map
, or within nested elements with at_depth
, and simplify the results with the *_df
forms and flatten
# be kind, don't call this more times than you need to
x <- c("ERS445758","ERS445759", "ERS445760", "ERS445761", "ERS445762") %>%
sprintf("", .) %>%
map(read_xml) # read each URL into a list item
df <- x %>% map(xml_find_all, '//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE') %>% # for each item select nodes
at_depth(2, as_list) %>% # convert each (nested) attribute to list
map_df(map_df, flatten) # flatten items, collect pages to df, then all to one df
## # A tibble: 175 × 3
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 investigation type metagenome <NA>
## 2 project name BMRP <NA>
## 3 experimental factor microbiome <NA>
## 4 target gene 16S rRNA <NA>
## 5 target subfragment V1V2 <NA>
## 6 pcr primers 27F-338R <NA>
## 7 multiplex identifiers TGATACGTCT <NA>
## 8 sequencing method pyrosequencing <NA>
## 9 sequence quality check software <NA>
## 10 chimera check ChimeraSlayer; Usearch 4.1 database <NA>
## # ... with 165 more rows
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 107567
Your main issue is using sapply
over lapply()
where the latter returns a list and former attempts to simplify to a vector or matrix, here being a matrix.
major_test <- lapply(xml_url_test, XML_parser)
Of course, sapply
is a wrapper for lapply
and can also return a list: sapply(..., simplify=FALSE)
major_test <- sapply(xml_url_test, XML_parser, simplify=FALSE)
However, a few other items came up:
operator. So right now, the same urls are repeating.gsub
.R code (adjusted)
XML_parser <- function(eid) {
XML_url <- as.vector(sprintf("", eid))
doc <- xmlParse(XML_url)
x <- xmlToDataFrame(getNodeSet(doc,"//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE"))
x_t <- t(x)
x_t <-
names(x_t) <- as.matrix(x_t[1, ])
x_t <- x_t[-1, ]
x_t[] <- lapply(x_t, function(x) type.convert(as.character(x)))
x_t$ERSid <- gsub("ERS", "", eid) # ADD COL, REMOVE ERS
x_t <- x_t[,c(ncol(x_t),2:ncol(x_t)-1)] # MOVE NEW COL TO FIRST
major_test <- lapply(ERS_ID, XML_parser)
# major_test <- sapply(ERS_ID, XML_parser, simplify=FALSE)
finaldf <-, major_test)
row.names(finaldf) <- seq(nrow(finaldf))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 21497
Using xml2
and the tidyverse
you can do something like this:
urls <- rep("", 2)
identifier <- LETTERS[seq_along(urls)] # Take a unique identifier per url here
parse_attribute <- function(x){
out <- data.frame(tag = xml_text(xml_find_all(x, "./TAG")),
value = xml_text(xml_find_all(x, "./VALUE")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
spread(out, tag, value)
doc <- map(urls, read_xml)
out <- doc %>%
map(xml_find_all, "//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTE") %>%
set_names(identifier) %>%
map_df(parse_attribute, .id="url")
Which gives you a 2x36 data.frame. To parse the column type i would suggest using readr::type_convert(out)
Out looks as follows:
url age body product body site body-mass index chimera check collection date
1 A 28 mucosa Sigmoid colon 16.95502 ChimeraSlayer; Usearch 4.1 database 2009-03-16
2 B 28 mucosa Sigmoid colon 16.95502 ChimeraSlayer; Usearch 4.1 database 2009-03-16
1 remission 627051 ERC000015 2014-12-31 2016-10-21 1668
2 remission 627051 ERC000015 2014-12-31 2016-10-21 1668
environment (biome) environment (feature) environment (material) experimental factor
1 organism-associated habitat organism-associated habitat mucus microbiome
2 organism-associated habitat organism-associated habitat mucus microbiome
gastrointestinal tract disorder geographic location (country and/or sea,region) geographic location (latitude)
1 Ulcerative Colitis India 72.82807
2 Ulcerative Colitis India 72.82807
geographic location (longitude) host subject id human gut environmental package investigation type
1 18.94084 1 human-gut metagenome
2 18.94084 1 human-gut metagenome
medication multiplex identifiers pcr primers phenotype project name
1 ASA;Steroids;Probiotics;Antibiotics TGATACGTCT 27F-338R pathological BMRP
2 ASA;Steroids;Probiotics;Antibiotics TGATACGTCT 27F-338R pathological BMRP
sample collection device or method sequence quality check sequencing method sequencing template sex target gene
1 biopsy software pyrosequencing DNA male 16S rRNA
2 biopsy software pyrosequencing DNA male 16S rRNA
target subfragment
1 V1V2
2 V1V2
Upvotes: 1