Reputation: 17
In my password checker i dont know why when i use caps and lower case in my input it doesnt out put strong password.
enter code here
print("Password Checker")
pw=input("Enter Your Password Here: ")
if len(pw)<=5:
if pw!=pw.upper()or pw!=pw.lower():
print("WEAK Password")
elif len(pw)>=6 and len(pw)<=12:
if pw==pw.lower():
print("Medium Password")
elif len(pw)>=13:
print("Too Long")
elif len(pw)<=12 and len(pw)>=6:
if pw==pw.upper() and pw==pw.lower():
print("Thats A STRONG Password")
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Views: 1478
Reputation: 1
This is a password checker I made that checks for symbols and numbers as well as uppercase letters:
def check_password(password):
strength = 0
symbol_list = ['!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')','[',']','{','}',';',':','<','>',',','.']
num_list = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']
if len(password) >= 8:
# this is the part that checks for capitol letters
for k in password:
if k == k.upper:
strength +=1
for i in symbol_list:
if i in password:
for j in num_list:
if j in password:
strength += 1
# determines the strength
if strength <= 5:
print("Weak password")
elif strength > 5 and strength < 8:
print("Ok Password")
if strength > 8:
print("Strong password")
print("Password too short")
Note: you can change the values in the if statements to suit your needs.
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Reputation: 153
Ok. The .upper() and .lower() method of figuring out if the string is all capital or all lowercase letters wont work if a number or special character is included in the string.
instead, use .isupper() to check if a specific character in a string is uppercase. and .islower() for lowercase. These methods each check character by character in the string, so the code line would be:
if any(x.isupper() for x in pw) and any(x.islower() for x in pw):
so the complete code (with organization of the logic) would be:
print("Password Checker")
pw=input("Enter Your Password Here: ")
#checking if password is to short, or to long.
if len(pw)<=5 or len(pw)>=13:
if len(pw)<=5:
print ("To Short")
print ("Too Long")
else:#password is correct length
#checking if a uppercase AND a lowwercase.
if any(x.isupper() for x in pw) and any(x.islower() for x in pw):
print ("Thats A STRONG Password")
print ("Medium Password")
Let me know if I can answer any further questions about this.
NOTE: change from using input() to raw_input() to be compatible with python 2.7
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Reputation: 77
if pw==pw.upper() and pw==pw.lower():
print("Thats A STRONG Password")
You're checking here if pw is uppercase and lowercase in the same time. I think you wanted to check if password is NOT only lowercase AND NOT only uppercase. So it should be
if pw != pw.upper() and pw != pw.lower():
print("Thats A STRONG Password")
And of course in "Weak pass" it should be
if pw == pw.upper() or pw == pw.lower():
print("Thats A WEAK Password")
because you're checking if pass is all lowercase OR all uppercase
Upvotes: 2
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Your logic is backwards here
if pw!=pw.upper() or pw!=pw.lower():
You'd use either
if pw != pw.upper() and pw != pw.lower():
if pw == pw.upper() or pw == pw.lower():
You have a similar problem at a later line
if pw==pw.upper() and pw==pw.lower():
If you want to check that there are at least one upper and one lower letter you can do something like
import string
if any(i in string.ascii_lowercase for i in pw) and any(i in string.ascii_uppercase for i in pw):
Upvotes: 2