Reputation: 71
Ye i know this is quite noob question but problem is this. i'm making a game and i wanna randomize stars to a huge space area
But results that i get are:
Here is the full code:
import os
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import random
gstars = 500
gstarmax = 0
red = (255,0,0)
yellow = (240,250,60)
timer = 0
size = [1600, 1000]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1600, 1000), HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF | RESIZABLE)
pygame.display.set_caption('planet system test')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
area = pygame.image.load("screenMonitor.png")
done = False
while done == False:
mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
timer += 1
if timer > 99:
timer = 0
pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, (20, 20, 1350, 480), 2)
go = True
if go == True:
for i in range(gstars):
s1 = random.randrange(1,1600)
s2 = random.randrange(1,1000)
colorSelect = random.randrange(0,5)
if colorSelect == 1:
yellow = (240,250,60)
if colorSelect == 2:
yellow = (249,173,60)
if colorSelect == 3:
yellow = (226,43,68)
if colorSelect == 4:
yellow = (52,173,84)
go = False
Upvotes: 0
Views: 58
Reputation: 28
The trouble is in the main/event loop.
You put the code for position your stars inside the main loop. Since it is randomize at every iteration, it will move.
I remove the go = False
that probably cause the error to display only one star.
In the following code, I create a list of star that have the position in indices 0 and 1, and the tuple of the color in 2.
The tuple of color is randomly choose using the random.choice(Sequence)
import pygame
from pygame import *
import random
gstars = 500
gstarmax = 0
red = (255,0,0)
yellow = (240,250,60)
timer = 0
size = [1600, 1000]
pygame.display.set_caption('planet system test')
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((size[0], size[1]))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
area = pygame.image.load("screenMonitor.png")
color = ((240,250,60),(249,173,60),(226,43,68),(52,173,84))
stars = []
for i in range(gstars):
s1 = random.randrange(1,1600)
s2 = random.randrange(1,1000)
starcolor = random.choice(color)
stars.append([s1, s2, starcolor])
done = False
while done == False:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #Quit the game if X
done = False
pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, (20, 20, 1350, 480), 2)
for star in stars:
EDIT : Correct the code following the advice of Ted Klein Bergman.
Upvotes: 1