Reputation: 13
I have a data frame of values called "games" with several columns of numerics. The original csv file had some missing values, which became NAs when I read them in. I'm trying to replace these NAs with the row median (already stored as a column of the data frame). I can't get the original NA to coerce from a character to a numeric.
I first found the indices of the missing values.
ng <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
Then I tried replacing the NAs with a value from the column "linemedian".
games[ng] <- games[ng[,1], "linemedian"]
[1] " -3.25" " 9.98" " -9.1" " -9.1" " 14.0" " -3.25" " 9.98" " -3.25" " 9.98" " 2.30" " 13.75" "-24.00" " 3.71" " 15.94" " 14.25" " -9.83" " 13.75" " -4.88"
Replacing the NAs with just any number also did not work.
games[] <- 0
[1] " 0.0" " 0.0" " 0" " 0" " 0" " 0.0" " 0.0" " 0.0" " 0.0" " 0.00" " 0.00" " 0.00" " 0" " 0" " 0.00" " 0.00" " 0.00" " 0.00"
I thought that removing the whitespace might change the outcome but it did not.
games[ng] <- as.numeric(trimws(games[ng[,1], "linemedian"]))
[1] "-3.25" "9.98" "-9.1" "-9.1" "14" "-3.25" "9.98" "-3.25" "9.98" "2.3" "13.75" "-24" "3.71" "15.94" "14.25" "-9.83" "13.75" "-4.88"
Other attempts that did not work:
games[ng] <- type.convert(games[ng]) # using type.convert()
games[, -c(1,2)] <- as.numeric(games[, -c(1,2)]) # first two columns are metadata
Error: (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
games[, -c(1,2)] <- as.numeric(unlist(games[, -c(1,2)]))
games[ng] <- as.numeric(as.character(trimws(games[ng[,1], "linemedian"])))
# New Addition from Answer
games[, sapply(games, is.numeric)][ng] <- games[, sapply(games, is.numeric)][ng[,1], "linemedian"]
I know for sure that the value I'm assigning to games[ng] is a numeric.
games[ng[,1], "linemedian"]
[1] -3.25 9.98 -9.10 -9.10 14.00 -3.25 9.98 -3.25 9.98 2.30 13.75 -24.00 3.71 15.94 14.25 -9.83 13.75 -4.88
typeof(games[ng[,1], "linemedian"])
[1] "double"
Everywhere I look on the Stack Overflow boards, the obvious answer should be games[] <- VALUE. But that isn't working. Anybody have some idea?
Here's the full code if you want to replicate:
## Download Raw Files
## Create Training and Prediction Data Sets
games <- read.csv("data/ncaa2016.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
preds <- read.csv("data/ncaapredictions.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
colnames(preds)[colnames(preds) == "linebillings"] <- "linebill"
colnames(preds)[colnames(preds) == "linebillings2"] <- "linebill2"
colnames(preds)[colnames(preds) == "home"] <- "Home"
colnames(preds)[colnames(preds) == "road"] <- "Road"
## Remove Columns with too many missing values
rm <- unique(c(names(games[, sapply(games, function(z) sum( > 50]), # Games and predictions
names(preds[, sapply(preds, function(z) sum( > 10]))) # with missing data
games <- games[, !(names(games) %in% rm)] # Remove games with no prediction data
preds <- preds[, !(names(preds) %in% rm)] # Remove predictions with no game data
## Replace NAs with Prediction Median
ng <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
games[ng] <- games[ng[,1], "linemedian"]
Also, I can't post the entire dput() output, but here's a bit of a the data set just to show the structure.
structure(list(Home = c("Alabama", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "Arkansas St.",
"Auburn", "Boston College"), Road = c("USC", "BYU", "Louisiana Tech",
"Toledo", "Clemson", "Georgia Tech"), line = c("12", "-2", "24.5",
"4", "-8.5", "-3"), linesag = c(12.19, 0.97, 24.26, -2.07, -4.78,
-2.74), linepayne = c(12, -0.81, 12.53, -0.86, -10.72, -3.87),
linemassey = c(19.15, -2.1, 21.07, -8.68, -5.45, -6.76)), .Names = c("Home",
"Road", "line", "linesag", "linepayne", "linemassey"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
Lastly, I'm running R Version 3.2.1 on x86_64-w64-mingw32.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 466
Reputation: 263481
Without a test case this will be untested. It appears you are getting a global replacement but because some of your columns are character, you get coercion to all character values coerced from 0. I might have tried restricting the process to just numeric columns:
games[ , sapply(games, is.numeric) ][ ng ] <-
games[ , sapply(games, is.numeric)][ng[,1], "linemedian"]
After modifying your almost reproducible code I've concluded that your original code was successful but the output of your checking was the problem area>
str( games[ , sapply(games, is.numeric)][ng[,1], "linemedian"] )
#num [1:23] -3.25 9.98 -9.1 -9.1 14 -3.25 9.98 -3.25 9.98 2.3 ...
games[ ng ] <-
games[ , sapply(games, is.numeric)][ng[,1], "linemedian"]
games[ ng[1:2,] ]
[1] " -3.25" " 9.98"
> ng[1:2,]
row col
[1,] 619 3
[2,] 678 3
> str(games)
'data.frame': 720 obs. of 58 variables:
$ Home : chr "Alabama" "Arizona" "Arkansas" "Arkansas St." ...
$ Road : chr "USC" "BYU" "Louisiana Tech" "Toledo" ...
$ line : num 12 -2 24.5 4 -8.5 -3 8.5 37 -10.5 5 ...
$ linesag : num 12.19 0.97 24.26 -2.07 -4.78 ...
$ linepayne : num 12 -0.81 12.53 -0.86 -10.72 ...
> games[ c(619,678) , 3]
#[1] -3.25 9.98
> games[ matrix(c(619,678,3,3), ncol=2)]
[1] " -3.25" " 9.98"
So the third column remained numeric after the assignment, but for reasons I don't understand the output of the print function for matrix-indexed-extract looked like it was character when it was in fact numeric.
Upvotes: 1