Reputation: 1147
I'm trying to run a PROC TABULATE
to get means for various variables split across a class variable (called brand
). I'd like the output to come out so that it's one row for each combination of metric & brand
. This is so I can copy the output into Excel and create a pivot table to share with users. The table would be 1 column X however many rows brand*metric
The problem is that SAS will generate nested cells with merged tables, so I can't easily copy and paste the output -- I'd have to manually clean a bunch of cells.
I'm not very knowledgeable in SAS, so any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Upvotes: 3
Views: 640
Reputation: 51621
I think you can just use PROC UNIVARIATE
, if I understand what you want. Let's use SASHELP.CARS as our example data. We can treat MODEL as your BRAND and get the mean of the MPG variables.
proc univariate noprint'H'))
outtable=stats (keep=make _var_ _label_ _mean_)
class make ;
var mpg: ;
Obs Make _VAR_ _LABEL_ _MEAN_
1 Honda MPG_City MPG (City) 27.8235
2 Hummer MPG_City MPG (City) 10.0000
3 Hyundai MPG_City MPG (City) 23.0000
4 Honda MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 34.0000
5 Hummer MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 12.0000
6 Hyundai MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 29.9167
Note: PROC UNIVARIATE will not allow more than two class variables. If you have more than two class variables you can just sort the source data and use a BY
statement instead of the CLASS
If you need multiple combinations of class variables (MAKE MAKE*DRIVETRAIN etc) then you probably want to use PROC SUMMARY instead. But you will then need to transpose the data set to convert the variables into rows instead of columns. Plus PROC SUMMARY has many fewer statistics available in this simple output format than are available in the OUTTABLE= results from PROC UNIVARIATE.
%let class_list=make drivetrain ;
%let class_types=() make make*drivetrain ;
%let varlist = mpg: ;
proc summary chartype'H'))
class &class_list ;
types &class_types ;
var &varlist ;
output out=stats(where=(_stat_='MEAN')) ;
proc transpose data=stats out=want;
by _type_ &class_list ;
var &varlist ;
id _stat_;
proc print; run;
Obs _TYPE_ Make Train _NAME_ _LABEL_ MEAN
1 00 MPG_City MPG (City) 25.3000
2 00 MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 31.6333
3 10 Honda MPG_City MPG (City) 27.8235
4 10 Honda MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 34.0000
5 10 Hummer MPG_City MPG (City) 10.0000
6 10 Hummer MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 12.0000
7 10 Hyundai MPG_City MPG (City) 23.0000
8 10 Hyundai MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 29.9167
9 11 Honda All MPG_City MPG (City) 19.6667
10 11 Honda All MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 23.6667
11 11 Honda Front MPG_City MPG (City) 30.3077
12 11 Honda Front MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 37.0769
13 11 Honda Rear MPG_City MPG (City) 20.0000
14 11 Honda Rear MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 25.0000
15 11 Hummer All MPG_City MPG (City) 10.0000
16 11 Hummer All MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 12.0000
17 11 Hyundai Front MPG_City MPG (City) 23.0000
18 11 Hyundai Front MPG_Highway MPG (Highway) 29.9167
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 63434
Your best bet is to use ods output
to get this into a table, then use proc transpose
to make it how you want it. PROC TABULATE
is going to make something that looks nice, not necessarily something useful for your specific purpose.
ods output table=tab_out;
proc tabulate;
class make;
var mpg_city mpg_highway;
tables make*(mpg_city mpg_highway),mean;
ods output close;
proc transpose data=tab_out out=tab_trans;
by make;
var mpg_:;
it can skip the transpose if you are 9.3+ and have STACKODSOUTPUT
option available to you; without that (in older versions) just remove that option and then do the transpose:
ods output summary=means_out;
proc means mean stackodsoutput;
class make;
var mpg_city mpg_highway;
ods output close;
Upvotes: 1