Reputation: 67
let's see the code in scala REPL: first, i defined a trait:
trait Service{
def invoke(name:String):String
then i defined an anonymous function:
def serviceImpl:Service = (name)=> s"Your name is $name"
It works fine.
the serviceImpl
method returns an anonymous function --- "(name)=> s"Your name is $name"
" is just an instance of Function2[String, String] trait.
but as above, how the anonymous function implements the Service trait?
and How scala does this convert?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2021
Reputation: 21730
This is a new feature describe in the release notes of 2.12:
The Scala 2.12 type checker accepts a function literal as a valid expression for any Single Abstract Method (SAM) type, in addition to the FunctionN types from standard library. This improves the experience of using libraries written for Java 8 from Scala code. Here is a REPL example using java.lang.Runnable:
scala> val r: Runnable = () => println("Run!")
r: Runnable = $$Lambda$1073/754978432@7cf283e1
Note that only lambda expressions are converted to SAM type instances, not arbitrary expressions of FunctionN type:
scala> val f = () => println("Faster!")
scala> val fasterRunnable: Runnable = f
<console>:12: error: type mismatch;
found : () => Unit
required: Runnable
The language specification has the full list of requirements for SAM conversion.
With the use of default methods, Scala’s built-in FunctionN traits are compiled to SAM interfaces. This allows creating Scala functions from Java using Java’s own lambda syntax:
public class A {
scala.Function1<String, String> f = s -> s.trim();
Specialized function classes are also SAM interfaces and can be found in the package scala.runtime.java8.
Thanks to an improvement in type checking, the parameter type in a lambda expression can be omitted even when the invoked method is overloaded. See #5307 for details. In the following example, the compiler infers parameter type Int for the lambda:
scala> trait MyFun { def apply(x: Int): String }
scala> object T {
| def m(f: Int => String) = 0
| def m(f: MyFun) = 1
| }
scala> T.m(x => x.toString)
res0: Int = 0
Note that though both methods are applicable, overloading resolution selects the one with the Function1 argument type, as explained in more detail below.
Upvotes: 7